The Fourth

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Jungkook looked at the source of the voice. His eyes widened.

Hoseok hyung?

He didn't expect Hoseok to be here at all.

"JIMIN!" Hoseok shouted, looking at the struggling Jimin in the water.

Water was reaching Hoseok's waist.

If Jungkook was alive, he would be feeling so bad. But now the old Jungkook is dead.

Jungkook smirked as he started enjoying the live drama happening in front of him.

Hoseok tried to swim in the water. His torch was carried away by the flow of water.

Jimin was already dead, but Hoseok didn't notice that. He tried to get Jimin out from here as soon as possible.

Because on his way here, he had already seen Taehyung's body in the water tank and Namjoon's body on the floor.

And he feared the worst.

The water stopped falling from the vents. At a far place, a sudden whirlpool started forming.

There was a big hole in that place to drain out all the water and store it in an underground tank for the next use.

Jungkook's body is said to be fallen in the underlying water tank, but Jungkook's soul had fetched it later.

Hoseok and Jimin were being pulled by that hole. Hoseok tried his best to swim opposite of the hole with Jimin's body.

"Leave Jimin there, hyung. He's dead." Jungkook's voice echoed in the hall.

Hoseok's eyes widened. Jungkook?

"I'm trying to help you hyung. Leave Jimin hyung there. He is dead." The voice said again.

"Where are you?!" Hoseok shouted.

"Here." The voice said. The next moment, Jungkook's spirit was floating right above Hoseok's head.

Hoseok looked at him in awe.

"You're near the hole, hyung. Leave him." Jungkook said.

"But! I can't! He's like my little brother!" Hoseok said, still struggling.

"Oh really? But you left your youngest brother Jungkook in here. Amazing." Jungkook said and laughed.

Hoseok gulped.

"For the last time hyung, leave that dead body, if you don't want to be dead so early yourself." Jungkook warned.

Hoseok felt a terrible pull on his collar. Then he was picked up from the water. He found himself dangling in Jungkook's grip.

"Let go, hyung." Jungkook said calmly. Hoseok looked at Jimin for the last time.

Then with tear-filled eyes, he loosened his grip on Jimin's collar.

Jimin's body dropped with a splash on the gushing water, and was carried away instantly.

At last when all the water fell down the hole, Hoseok, still dangling, tried to peek in the hole to see Jimin.

And there he saw Jimin's body floating far below on the water.

Hoseok gasped and covered his mouth. Tears rolled down his eyes.

Jungkook let out a silent laugh and loosened his grip on Hoseok's collar.

Hoseok dropped harshly on the ground. He groaned as he hurt his butt, because he fell directly on his butt.

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