five: for a while, you were all mine

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As much as Louis' friend group loved to party and have a good time, they rarely found themselves at clubs mostly because there weren't many near campus that they could easily go to. They had plenty of pubs, bars, and restaurants, but the clubs were a bit further out. For Zayn's birthday, though, they wanted to do something special and he suggested Blitz, a club that was about forty minutes away from campus.

Personally, Louis wasn't a fan. Not until he'd had a few drinks, at least. It was just too crowded and he found the smell unbearable. There were too many people sweating and their pheromones were everywhere, overwhelming and too much. He needed to get to a certain level of drunk to be able to enjoy it, so that was what he was doing. He was on his fourth drink, having consumed a couple of shots as well, and he was feeling good. At the moment, he and Ed were sitting back in a booth, chatting about the way Niall had somehow become best friends with the pretty bartender, earning him free drinks for the rest of the night.

"How the dude isn't plastered right now is beyond me," Ed said, staring at Niall, who was currently chatting with Hailee and Jade. He looked at ease, sipping his fruity cocktail with a neon green umbrella on top.

"You could drink him under the table, though, Ed. You've got that ability," Louis said. "I, on the other hand, started losing myself around drink three."

"And yet you're still going." Ed lifted his glass, touching it to Louis'. "Cheers to that."

Louis chuckled, sipping his drink and setting it down on the table in front of him. He let out a sigh and tipped his head back against the headrest. The night was going rather well. Much better than when they usually came to clubs. He supposed it was a bit different this time, what with a fake boyfriend in tow. Harry had made him dance a few times, and even though Louis didn't like dancing, he did it anyway. Neither of them was very good at it, nor were they sexy, but it was all worth it to see Harry laughing and having fun.

Speaking of Harry, Louis hadn't seen him in quite some time. The last time was by the bathrooms and then Perrie had dragged the alpha off somewhere, jabbering on about something that Louis didn't quite catch. He sat up properly, looking around to see if he could spot Harry somewhere in the crowd. He quickly found him on the opposite side, sitting on a couch with Nick and Cara, however, Cara wasn't talking to them. She was turned the other way, looking down at her phone.

Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, Louis narrowed his eyes and studied the scene in front of him. Nick and Harry were both facing each other, a smile on their lips as they chatted. Nick had his legs crossed, one hand pressed down on the couch between himself and Harry. Harry, on the other hand, had his legs spread, an arm hung over the headrest where Nick was sitting. The proper alpha stance, if you will.

It looked...intimate.

Way more intimate than just two friends chatting. Too intimate for Louis' liking.

He wasn't even aware he was glaring their way until Ed nudged him with his elbow. Louis reluctantly turned away from the pair and looked at Ed, eyebrow raised in question. Ed took one look at him and snorted. "Gosh, Lou. Relax."

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, noticing how sharp his tone was. He was way more on edge than he realized.

"I'm talking about the way you're looking at Harry and Nick like you want to murder someone. I'm not sure who yet, but it's clear you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous," Louis scoffed, shaking his head.

"Are you sure?"

Louis stared at him with an incredulous expression. "Yes, I'm sure."

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