two: where you are, i'm right there too

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Their plan was rather simple and surprisingly came together quickly. With their heads bent over the small coffee table at The Caffeine Fix, they mapped out how they were going to maneuver their fake relationship. They were going to start off slow. Plant small little seeds within their friend group to get the word out that the two of them might potentially be interested in each other. They couldn't jump into it hot right away because that would just be fishy. By planting small seeds and easing everyone into the idea of them being a couple, it would be more believable.

It definitely felt icky to lie to their friends even if it was harmless. At least that was what Harry kept telling himself. Louis also didn't seem to like it, but he did agree to go through with it. The whole thing really shocked Harry because he was sure that Louis wasn't going to do it. He'd been hesitant at first when Harry asked him, questioning the plan and claiming it wouldn't work, but something shifted after a while and Louis said yes. Harry still couldn't believe they were actually going through with this.

Either way, it was too late to back out now. They'd already planted their seeds and were meeting up at the campus library to discuss. Harry walked through the front doors, swiping his student ID on the monitor. It beeped a green light and the metal bars pushed in allowing him entry inside. The library was quiet and empty at this time of the day since most students were either at dinner or already back home. Harry walked to the stairs and went up to the fourth floor where he found Louis tucked into a small corner table with his books spread out.

"Hey," Harry said, walking over, a bit out of breath from using the stairs. He should have used the elevator.

"Hey," Louis greeted back, glancing up from his textbook. He moved some of his books over so Harry could sit in front of him. "Thought we could study while we were here."

"Great idea." Harry took his seat and got out his Sociology assignment from his backpack. "I definitely need to finish up a couple of assignments. How was your day?"

"Good," Louis replied. "A little slow. I have most of my boring classes on Tuesdays."

"You're a Psych major. I can't imagine any Psych class could be boring. Not as bad as Business classes."

"You would be surprised," Louis said with a chuckle. "Have you had dinner yet?"

Harry nodded. "I grabbed a bite with Liam before coming here. You?"

"Not yet."

"Oh, shit. I can go and grab you something. I would have if you told me."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Besides, we can't bring food into the library. Not unless we sit down on the second floor where that cafe is."

That was true. Harry still felt bad, though. "Well, how about after this I get you a slice of pizza?" he offered.

"I've already agreed to fake date you. You don't have to butter me up," Louis said, the mischievous smile on his face showing Harry that he was only joking.

"Not trying to butter you up," he insisted. "I like doing nice things for my friends even when they're not doing me a favor."

"We'll see," Louis finally relented. "Let's get down to business. How did it go with you?"

"I actually did it right before coming here," Harry said, taking out a pen from his backpack and putting it on the table. "Zayn and I were having dinner down at the cafeteria and Ed and Jade came over, joined us for a little while."

"What did you tell them?"

"That I thought you looked really cute during the pub crawl."

"Nice one," Louis smirked, looking down at his notes. Harry smiled and blinked down at his own homework too. It hadn't really been a lie — Louis did look really cute during the pub crawl. His black t-shirt was so thin and sheer that if he looked closely, Harry could make out the curves of the omega's body and soft skin. His black jeans hugged him just right, and the messy way he'd styled his hair wouldn't look good on anyone but him.

it's golden, like daylight » l.s.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें