Chapter 7: Girlfriend and Sean Wins Drift Race

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opened, and Nadia stumbled out as well, but Sean got to her in time before hitting the ground. Sean groaned in pain as he caught Nadia but pushed it back. His focus needs to be on Nadia. That's all. He can worry about his own pain later. Han rushed down to help Sean and Nadia.

"Twinkie! Earl! Get the first aid kit!" Han shouted to them as he rushed downstairs. Two of Han's lady friends rushed down to them too since Nadia is Han's adoptive little sister. Han got to them and went to help Sean, but he was pushed away.

"Help Nadia." Sean wheezed out. "Help her first." Han immediately went to Nadia and scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style up to the second floor. Sean coughed and started heavily pant. Earl and Twinkie rushed to Sean who was about to collapsed. He tried to stay awake, but Sean's world went black.

Nadia explained what happened and Han was furious. He wants Morimoto's head. They had a deal Morimoto took it too far. So, the next time Han went to DK's little backroom, he slammed down his payment and told him the deal was off. Takashi asked why then Han asked his bleach blonde haired best friend and stormed off. If Han had stayed behind to see what pathetic excuse Morimoto could come up with, he would have murdered him.

Nadia and Sean were healing at a fast rate, but the bruises took longer to heal. Sean had a few bruised ribs as did Nadia. Han had a spare room all done for them and moved them in there. It was Nadia's old room. She was grateful for Han keeping it just in case. What they didn't expect was DK paying a visit. Han saw this and put all his paperwork away and went to greet DK. One of Han's lady friend made sure Han's paperwork is back in the safe before DK ever saw it.

"What are you doing here?" Han asked DK.

"I didn't know he was gonna cheat. Not like this." DK said honestly. Han crossed his arms over his chest and glared.

"Morimoto would have raped Nadia if it weren't for Sean. He told him. "I didn't go after your driver. I made an honest deal. Then it gets thrown back in my face. I don't care if you didn't know. Nadia is my sister! My family! You should have known how important family is. I told you Nadia is off limits. Now, she is terrified. Thanks to Morimoto." Han turned his back on DK and walked away. Without them knowing, Nadia and Sean heard every word Han told DK.

Over the next few days, Nadia and Sean were finally able to breathe properly. Their bruises and swelling have finally gone down. They were finally able to go to the underground race tonight. Nadia finished the touches of her outfit which is a plaid shirt tried in the front in a neat knot, the sleeves rolled up to her forearms, smoothed down her black high waist shorts that goes down to her mid thighs and zipped on her black velvet knee high boots. Sean had already dressed and went out to tell Han to put the race against Morimoto tonight. He told the bleach blonde douchebag he would race then he would race. Nadia quickly put her long black curled hair in a half up, half down messy style as Sean walked back into their room. He was greeted by a sigh of his beautiful, well, girlfriend? They never put a label on their relationship because he doesn't want to pressure Nadia into something, she's not ready for.

"Hey." Sean greeted her. She looked up and gave Sean a beautiful smile.

"Hey." She greeted him. He immediately went to her and sat next to her on their bed.

"You okay?" He asked her. She reached for his hand and held it in her own.

"I'm okay. I have you by my side." She spoke. Sean gently kissed her faded bruised cheek. His other hand reached into his jacket pocket and held out a black velvet box. Nadia gratefully took it.

"I wanted to give you this during our anniversary dinner. But we didn't make it to dinner, and I wanted to give you this before I race tonight." Sean explained and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Nadia opened the box and a soft gasped escaped her lips. Inside the box contained a small beautiful blue and silver butterfly necklace.

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