Chapter 3: A Better Understanding

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Nadia saw the once gorgeous blue and orange Nissan Silvia was now battered with an equally as distressed driver. The large mob of people suddenly went quiet, hushed snickers and whispers littering in the air. The crowd slowly disposed, and Sean stayed put in the Silvia, disappointment and anger washing over his face. Nadia watched Han reluctantly walked toward his newly destroyed car. Sean watched Han leaned against his destroyed car.

"Don't leave town." He told Sean solemnly. Nadia watched Han walk away, but she stayed. She does feel bad for Sean, but he should have known what he was getting into. Sean stayed in the destroyed car as the crowd started to disappear. Nadia walked over to him and opened the door. She held out her hand and he took it. He got out of the destroyed car and was too ashamed to look at Nadia. She reached up and gently cupped his cheek in her hand and made him look at her. Her dark brown eyes met his dark blue ones. She then let go of his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sean was surprised by Nadia giving him affections, but he's not complaining. He wrapped his arms around her waist immediately.

"I understand." He muttered in her ear. Nadia closed her eyes. Sean had to learn the hard way. Now, he understands Neela is off limits. Nadia warned him and he didn't listen. Now, he knows. He tightened his arms around her waist and leaned his forehead against her shoulder. "I'm sorry." He muttered against her shoulder.

"I know." She softly replied. She slowly pulled away as he slowly lifted his head from her shoulder and their foreheads touched. They stayed in each other's arms forever how long it was.

"I have to get home." Sean told her. She nodded against his forehead and looked up at Sean's dark blue eyes. He stared into her dark brown eyes then briefly glanced at her dark red lips. She saw this and she swallowed the small lump in her throat. Nadia made a promise to herself. To never get close to another guy again. But with Sean, there was something different about him. She doesn't know why Sean makes her heart flutter so suddenly. Guess she'll figure it out along the way. But for now, Nadia and Sean walked towards the elevator holding hands and their fingers laced together. Both will face whatever obstacle throws at them. They will face it together.

The next day at school everyone was talking about Sean. Rumors were spreading and people were glaring at him in the halls. Twinkie was already ignoring Sean, which didn't help, but make Sean feel completely isolated and alone. However, he was alone. Nadia had waited for him outside the gates before school started. So, when Sean arrived to school, he saw Nadia waiting for him. He was surprised by her waiting for him. Sean thought she would ignore him too, but she proved him wrong. She didn't care what others would say. Nadia would not let Sean be alone.

So, all day, Nadia never left Sean's side. They had many classes together. She and Sean were getting looks and whispers, but they both ignored it. During lunch, they went to the roof to get away from everyone. They didn't get lunch just stayed on the roof and sat against the wall in each-others company. She had his arm around her shoulders and her head rest against his shoulder. Nadia curled her body close to Sean's side and her arm wrapped around his waist. They stayed in each other arms for the rest of lunch.

School dragged on and Nadia and Sean walked the halls holding hands and ignore everyone in the halls. During the time they were in each other arms and explained more the Yakuza mafia, Takashi and Neela to Sean. He now understands just how dangerous Takashi and the Yakuzas can be and how Neela is owned by Takashi. Sean asked many questions and Nadia answered his question to the best of her ability. Sean thanked Nadia for telling the truth and said he will keep his distances from Neela.

Now, back to the halls. Nadia and Sean were happy that school was over. Nadia squeezed Sean's hand in comfort. She felt so bad for him because he's such a nice guy, yet people only seemed to care about the gossip and the rumors. Some of Nadia's former friends tried to ask her questions about her and Sean. She ignored them. Some even started swooning over his handsome appearance. Nadia knows it wasn't very often that Westerns came to their school, so when Sean was already involved in drama and stirring the status quo in the underground racing world, people had a lot to say.

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