22 - Backstabber

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"Damn it," Heeseung sighed. "I hoped I could fool you a little longer. But You're smart, I admit it."

"You piece of shit," Sunghoon said through gritted teeth as he glared at the traitor.

"Yes, you must see me like a piece of shit. But I don't care, and I don't regret anything." He smiled, which made everyone stare at him in disbelief.

"Heeseung..." Sunoo muttered, his eyes brimming with tears. He couldn't believe that his friend betrayed him like that. All the time they spent together, all the fun, everything... it was never real. It was all a freaking lie.

"I had so much fun fooling you," He said, staring at Sunoo. "You, the most."

"Stop it."

"Hate me all you want, I never needed you or your friendship. I never had anyone to begin with and I'm okay with that. But I had him." He uttered, his words stabbing their hearts like sharp knives. "When I had no one, he was there for me. He raised me when my parents were dead, and he helped me become who I am today."

Niki's grandfather leaned on his cane, closing his eyes as he listened to the kid talk. He knew and understood everything.

"The least I could do to repay his kindness was obey his orders." He scoffed. "I didn't think coming to you as some hacker would work, but it did. God, you were too stupid."

"Stop it..." Jake put his hands on his ears as he stumbled back, not able to believe everything that was happening.

Y/N rushed to him but he pushed her away, shaking his head. He was scared, terrified of everyone. He couldn't trust anyone.

"Heeseung..." Y/N called, her eyes desperately staring at him. "Why are y-you doing this?"

"Ah, I almost forgot the best part." He smirked. "You must be dying to know who's ordering me, right?"


"Mr. Lee Kwang."

Y/N and everyone froze at his words. She could feel her blood turn cold and her eyes widen. She gasped, a sudden chill sweeping through her. A shaky and slow smile found its way to her lips as the surprise sank in.

Heeseung stared at her as her knees went weak. He knew, she could see it in the way his eyes looked into hers. He knew everything from the very beginning, and Y/N's whole body started shaking in fear.

"I had so much fun seeing you struggle to find him when he was next to you all the time. It was a sight to see, really. How you walked to his party and his home. He could have killed you right there but it wouldn't have been fun, don't you think?" His eyes sparkled. "Mr. Lee is-"

"He killed our families for fuck's sake!" Jay grabbed him by the collar, his eyes full of rage and revenge.

"I don't give two fucks about that," Heeseung muttered, making Jay stare at him with furrowed eyebrows. "All I know is that I'll always obey his orders until my last breath." He wasn't afraid of them killing him right there, he thought he had no regrets and that was okay for him.

"Sore wa daijōbu, kare o tebanasu," Niki's grandfather spoke. "Karera wa sugu ni watashitachi kara renraku ga arimasu." (It's okay, let him go. They'll be hearing from us soon)

Jay let go of Heeseung as he kept looking into his eyes. He tightened his fists and laughed bitterly. "I can't kill you. Even after what you've done... I can't find it in me to k-kill you."

He was about to get out of the place when Heeseung spoke, frowning. "You'll let me go, just like that?"

"You fucking-" Sunghoon was about to beat the shit out of him if it wasn't for Niki pulling him away.

"You were still a friend of ours, and I did trust you. But I hope you burn to ashes." Jay said, looking at Heeseung coldly before he walked out. The fact that his sworn enemy was Lee Kwang didn't shake him a bit. He somehow knew it already and swore to kill him anyway.

But the fact that the person he thought was their friend backstabbed them, was a lot harder to take in. No one could believe it.

They still saw him as the very skilled hacker who was sometimes annoying, who loved ramen, and who always played games with Sunoo and Niki. Looking at him, they couldn't believe that the one they saw as a big brother was plotting everything behind their backs.

Heeseung looked taken aback. He didn't say a word, but something inside him cracked. And he stood there, staring at them walk out of the place one by one. They spared him one last stare so that they'd always remember who betrayed them.

Until he was all alone. But that was okay, he didn't need them anyway. He only needed to obey his boss's orders and do as he was told. He had no place for stupid friendships in his life.

It was supposed to be like that and he was supposed to be okay with it.

The ride back home was too silent, each one lost in their thoughts. All their grief said the same thing: this isn't how it's supposed to be. But the world laughed, held their hope by the throat, and whispered: this is how it is.

Y/N had her arms wrapped around Jake as he lay on her chest, seeking comfort. But she wasn't very sure if she could give it to him, knowing that she was their enemy's daughter.

Now that she knew the whole truth, wasn't she just like Heeseung?

What if they know her truth? The question lingered inside her mind and made her heart ache. But she didn't want to think about it. She didn't want to leave their side.

Niki's grandfather was silent too, but his mind wasn't. He thought of every way to kill the man who dared to betray his son and take his life away. Who messed up his grandchildren's life while living his best life.

Everyone arrived at the huge mansion, but no one spoke a word. They walked inside their rooms, no one mentioning what just happened. No one talked about Heeseung or about how they felt. They didn't cry, didn't yell or shout about how they felt.

Because when people's hearts get too heavy with pain, they don't cry. They become silent, completely silent.

Y/N felt too tired, She felt like the world had drained her of everything she had. She wanted to vanish so completely that no one ever her would not remember herself.

No feelings, no memories, just the freedom of oblivion.

Slowly walking out of her room, she scrolled through the silent corridors. Part of her wanted to get out of there, but the other part didn't want her to leave. She didn't know what to do.

When she walked to the garden at the back of the mansion, she noticed someone standing there. She walked to him before she called his name, making him slightly jump.

"Oh, Y/N," Sunoo muttered. The sky started darkening as the gentle wind danced through their hair.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked, regretting her question soon after. Of course, he wasn't. No one was okay after what happened.

Sunoo chuckled bitterly, understanding that she just wanted to make sure he was alright. "He was a nice friend..." He said. "But I shouldn't have treated his wounds, I should have left him to die."


"If another person betrays us, I'm gonna go crazy." Amidst his pain, he chuckled. "I want all this pain to end. I want us to be happy. I want to be at peace."

Y/N stared at him and her eyes started tearing up. She didn't know why, but she indeed felt guilty. She knew all the truth when they had no idea about it.

Heeseung felt like that too, he knew everything when they were oblivious.

And right then, she felt like a backstabber too.

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