18 II I wouldn't mind one bit

Start from the beginning

"That's me." He smiled, lightening up the situation.

"After that, you fell. Techno, my brother, called an ambulance and then you arrived here. You've been asleep ever since." Wilbur explained. "How're you feeling?"

"Horrible. Everything hurts." Clay answered.

"Hey, well that's what you get for jumping of a roof." The monotone voice explained. "What, did you expect to feel better?"

"Techno!" Wilbur turned towards the voice. Sapnap got heated, and after a few footsteps, Clay heard him call. "I swear, I'm gonna punch you-"

"Try." Technoblade began. "I dare you."

Sapnap gritted his teeth and turned away. He probably knew better then to fight with him.

He might look scary.

"Where's Karl?" Clay asked.

"Out of town. No, he doesn't know, if you were going to ask. I haven't told him yet." Sapnap explained, looking away.

"Honestly, you got beaten up really bad back there." Wilbur eyed him. He didn't look straight at him. He looked at the side of his face.

"What?" Clay asked.

"It's um-" Wilbur turned to look at Sapnap worryingly once more.

"Is anything wrong?"

He heard a shuffle and a sigh from the back and two guests turned to three as a long, pink haired avian boy turned to look at him with sharp green eyes, mixed with yellow and blue.

He also didn't eye him.

He looked at the side of his face.

His heart-rate increased. What had happened? Why did they look at him like that? The machine beeped faster then before, and Sapnap and Wilbur were quick to calm him down.

"Don't worry, mate!" Wilbur said. "'ts alright, nothin' to be scared of."

Even Techno didn't retort. Though after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth to speak. "The fall did a number of damage to you, kid. But I won't be the one to tell you that. The doctors'll come any moment now."

Just as he finished speaking, the doors opened and everyone turned to look at them. Clay tried to turn his head but winced at the pain.

The nurse, or what he liked to think was the nurse, took one look at him and noticed he was awake. She began to shoo everyone out of the room, as if they were crowd. "Out! All of you out! Give the boy some rest!"

Sapnap opened his mouth to retort, but a new presence seemed to stop him. "I understand that your worried about your friend. I'll let you all come back as soon as I've checked him, alright?" Phil. It was Phil.

"Hey dad." Wilbur smiled. Phil was a father? He hadn't mentioned that on the bus.

Phil didn't reply to him. Clay liked to imagine that he'd nodded, whispered something in response. But there was nothing.

Sapnap sighed, glanced between Clay and Phil then nodded. The three teenage boys walked out of the room, and with a small click they left.

Phil came into view, and smiled down at him. "How are you feeling, bud?" He smiled.

Clay groaned in response. "Horrible. 'Deserve it though." He sighed.

"Why's that?"

"'Cause I made everyone worried about me."

Phil hummed. "I suppose so. But you've been through a lot. I understand what's occurred. It's normal to feel like that, when you have the pressure of the entire world on your shoulders. Tell me son, do you feel like nobody cares about you? Just nod or shake your head."

In truth, Phil knew the answer before he'd asked the question. It took Clay a little time, but he curtly nodded.

"Do you feel like everyone hates you?"

He nodded.

"Do you think that your not loved?"

With a sigh, he nodded.

Phil smiled down at him. A sad smile, full of empathy and honesty and everything that Clay had never seen before in an adult. "Thank you for being honest with me, son."

There was a burning question in his mind that wouldn't go away. In that moment, he knew he had to ask it. "Will you tell my parents about this?"

It was Phil's turn to huff, though his smile never wavered. It stood there, giving him a sense of comfort. "That was the tricky bit. I called them several times and when they finally picked up they said they needn't have a son."

Clay said a 'pfft' and a smile formed on his face. "Don't bother. They don't wanna deal with another one of us anytime soon anyways."

"You have siblings?" Phil eyed him.

"Not anymore. 'Had an older sister and brother that left for college years and years ago. I had a little sister too. Haven't seen her in years."

"Why's that?" Phil asked, his voice becoming more and more sadder as he continued.

Clay hated that he was pitied. "She left one day, and never came back. She told me she was sick of all this, and when she was six she somehow contacted my older sister and she left with her. She didn't give a damn about bringing me along. 'Probably forgot about me."

Phil was silent for a while, before he began taking in all the information, and ran some tests on the young boy.

The blond ever so hated the silence, but didn't want to be the one to end it. Finally, after Clay was all 'checked up', Phil spoke.

"I don't think you should be staying with them." He said. "By law, they should be put in jail. Tell me, do they mistreat you? Hit you?"

Clay's eyes widened at the question, and he internally shook himself. Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it. "It's not my place to say."

Little did he know, Phil watched him react.

"Alright." A plan was forming in his mind. "I will let your guests back in. But first, I think there's someone that really wants to see you."

Phil walked out of the room and returned with a boy in a wheelchair. It didn't even take a second for Clay to recognise who it was. His eyes glinted when the brunette reached his arms out for a hug.

"Clay!" He said, his voice croaking and sad. When he reached the blond, he hugged him ever so tightly. Clay lifted a hand to hug him back. George. George was here.

With another click announcing Phil's departure, George took a time to look at his lover. Look at him, not at the side of his face.

His lips were soon pressed onto his and they sat like that for a while, soon pushing away just to breathe. "Hello, my little Bumblebee." Clay's eyes shone like stars in the night sky.

George giggled at the comment, and placed his hand at the side of Clay's cheek. Tears laced the edges of his eyes. "I thought I'd lost you." He said, his voice so small.

Clay lifted his hand to George's and held onto it so tightly. "You can't get rid of me just yet, bumblebee."

George chuckled. "I wouldn't mind that, even if you were at my side for a hundred years."


I wouldn't mind - he is we : https://youtu.be/h6MThVYHNH4

I think we got an achievement or something in dnf or like gream? That's so amazing! You all are insane, thank you so much!

Just saying, that song fits this story so well

i want to write dnf fluff now >•\\•>


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