Chapter 16: Lovers quarrel

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Joe: I'm sorry....

I left and took the elevator down. Why did I cry? Why was I sad when I looked at Kai'sa? Whatever, it isn't important. The elevator doors opened and I ran out of the building. I ran through the entire city until I eventually arrived at my family's home. I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich.
A couple of hours later, mom came home and looked at me.

Lilith: Hey honey, didn't expect to see you here. Did you bring the girls with you?

Joe: No.

Lilith: Were they busy?

Joe: Why would I care?

Lilith: Uhmm....because they are your girlfriends?

I let out a sigh.

Joe: Not anymore.

Lilith: What happened?

Joe: They wanted me to change....they gave me an ultimatum and I just broke it off.

Lilith: So they actually did it.

Joe: What do you mean?

Lilith: Joe...I told them to do this.

She what?

Joe: You did it? You turned against me too?

Lilith: Honey, no one turned against turned against everyone.

Joe: Pft yeah right. I'm still the same me I was a year ago.

Lilith: You know that's not true. Tell me. How did you get out of prison?

Joe: You paid my fine. That's all there is to it.

Lilith: No. I didn't.

Joe: What?

Lilith: I managed to pay 10 million. The girls provided the rest. Those five girls worked their asses off for the past year, only to get you out. This is how you repay them?

Joe: I...

Lilith: These girls are the reason we still have a house, the reason Emily can go to PRA, the reason Sam can do his check-ups. Your father would be so disappointed. Get out....

Joe: What?

Lilith: Get. Out. Don't come back unless they are with you. If you come back without them, I'll make you wish you never left prison. I didn't raise you like this. Whoever you are not my son.

I stood there in a stunned silence for a good few minutes, then I left. I ran and ran until eventually my legs gave out. It was getting dark and I was tired. I was about to head to a hotel for the night, when all of a sudden a group of guys came up to me.

Thug1: Hey kid. Isn't it a bit late to be out alone?

Joe: Not in the mood for games. Kindly fuck off.

Thug2: Quite a mouth you got there. Tell you what, give us everything you have and we'll let it slide.

Joe: Counter offer. You piss off before I add you to my body count.

One of them ran at me with his fist covered in ice. I dodged the punch and fired a neon beam through his chest before looking at the other two.

Joe: Strike one.

The second thug then rushed me and actually managed to get a hit in due to his enhanced speed, but he met the same fate as his friend. A neon beam to the chest.

Joe: Strike two. Give up?

The last thug yelled in anger before rushing me the same way the others did. They never learn do they. I sidestepped and punched my hand through his stomach. He coughed up blood and looked at me in fear.

Famous or InFamous (KDA x Male OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora