I was excited to be having this girls night. I feel like we haven't had a girls day slash night in a while.

"So, Sam. You gonna tell me now why you and Owen seem ten times happier?" Dani asked while crossing her arms.

"I noticed it too!" Camila happily told her while they all look at me. I sit up and took a deep breath.

"Owen and I expressed our feelings for each other." I admit to them.

Dani made a sound while swatting her hand away. "Girl, that's old news." Apparently she didn't understood what I meant.

I just laugh a little and shake my head. "No, we told each other the L word." They all gasped towards me.

"Wait, are you serious?" Dani asked as I nodded my head. "We were laying on the beach and I blurted out that I loved him."

It was honestly a perfect way to say it. "That's honestly super sweet." Caroylnn smiled sweetly.

We were starting a movie to do our face masks. "I'm just happy that Owen found you." Dani spoke sweetly.

"I can tell you honestly care for him." I really did. I hate seeing him get panic attacks and sad.

I also hate being away from him for more than a certain amount of time.

I really do think Owen is my soulmate. I can picture us two moving far away to be more secluded.

"I'm just happy to know you're both happy and in love." I felt the butterflies in my stomach when Camila said that.

Girls night went super well. It was really nice to have a chill night with them and just gossiped.

They all left around nine to do their own thing. Owen asked me to come over so I was in my room, packing my stuff up.

As I was, Andrew walked into my room. "You going to Owen's?" He asked sitting in on my chair.

I nodded my head while putting his hoodie on. "Yeah. How was Top Golf?" I ask making conversation.

"It went well. I thought Mason was going to kill us at one point." That doesn't surprise me one bit.

"I'm glad to say girls night was a lot calmer." I tease him a little bit. I could tell he was thinking about something.

I just don't know yet so hopefully it's good. "I know I tease you a lot but I'm actually happy about you and Owen."

He had a seriousness about him. "I can tell you've been a lot happier ever since you met him last summer."

I didn't notice it was that obvious. But it was true. "Do you think he's the one?" I ask curious.

He nodded his head. "You two are soulmates and you know I don't use that word often."

He sounded serious. It was nice talking to him about this, weird but nice. I pack the last of my stuff up and look at him.

"Be careful, sis, alright?" He asked while standing up. I nodded while giving him a side hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Love you dude." He said he loved me too while walking out of my room.

I drive over to Owen's flat to hear music coming from inside. I go inside to see he's singing to Cruzy.

And it was most adorable thing I've ever seen. I pull my phone out so I could record knowing he didn't notice I came in.

A minute later, he noticed I was filming him, and got red. I couldn't help but laugh as I stopped filming.

"I'm sorry, love. That was just too cute." I complimented him when I walk over to him.

I sit my bag down and sit next to him. "Don't show that to anyone." I wasn't planning on it.

I wanted that video for myself, so if we're not together I could still have that to watch.

"Why can't I show you off?" I ask half flirting. I really would enjoy showing him off and telling the world he's mine.

But I also like having him to myself. It's a strange feeling. "When we tell people. But right now, I want you for myself."

It's like he was reading my mind. "I don't think I've ever loved someone like this." I admit to him.

He thinks about it for a second. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked making sure.

I smile up at him while moving his hair out of his face. "It's a good thing, I promise." I stick my pinky out for him.

He laces our pinkies together, making a promise. He moved his face down and placed his lips onto mine.

I was on cloud nine with him.

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