Chapter 23- Black

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After leaving the kitchen earlier this morning, I was able to fall back asleep. I think my body really needed it, too. Seconds after my head hit the pillow, I fell right asleep.

I woke up hours later sweating, probably because of all of the things that were, and still are, running through my head. I needed an outlet. Somewhere to get all of my anger out. But, at the same time, I didn't want to leave my bed.

A knock sounded from the other side of my room. "Hey," Steve said. I gave him a little smile, which was all that I could manage at the moment. "Heard you got your hearing back."

I nodded at him, unsure of what else to say. Steve was nice and easy to talk to, it was really just me not wanting to let anyone in.

"Tony asked me to take you to train today," he says.

"I don't know if I'm in the mood today, Steve," I answer.

"Look, if you suddenly feel like coming up to train, then you are more than welcome. Just thought I'd offer."

"I thought Tony asked you."

"He did, but that doesn't mean I had to do it," Steve says playfully, making me give up a little smile.


"I don't think she's coming, Buck," Steve says, walking out the front doors of the giant building.

I won't deny that I'm a little disappointed. The memories of Aria are so close, yet so far away at the same time. She and Steve are all that I have here, and if I'm going to stay here, then I want to find out as much as I can about my life with them in it. Steve is more than willing, but I know getting to know her is going to be harder.

I can't blame her for being the way she is. I'm still recovering from the hell of that organization. I still have episodes where I have no idea who is who or what is what. All I know is that I can't push her to open up because it will only push her away.

I can tell Steve wants to push me to open up more, but I'm thankful that he has been giving me my space. Of course, it's only been a couple of days, but it's still something.

After a quick run with Steve, we decided to just finish off in the gym. The "quick" run was actually 10 miles, but super soldier bodies can handle that without a single issue.

The gym, just like everything else in this place, was ginormous. I was expecting a smaller, one-room gym, but this has a wide-open area of equipment, with windowed rooms breaking off of it. One of the rooms, though, was not windowed up at all. It is completely busted through. It is the only ugly part of the room, not that this place even knows what ugly is.

I'm assuming that must be where Aria lost control and had her explosion. I found out what happened from Steve. I think he was happy that I finally asked him something, so he was more than excited to answer something for me.

I had enhanced strength and agility, along with a metal arm, but I don't think any of these things compare to what Aria has to deal with. I can't even imagine what learning to use powers is like.

I remember her having to go through so many experiments by the so-called doctors at Hydra. They never really had her train with her powers, probably because they thought they would have more time with her. I am so glad they were wrong, but at the same time disappointed. More time there might mean that she wouldn't be trying to figure her powers out right now, but I don't think Hydra would have been as nice with training her.

Steve and I go a couple of rounds of sparring before we finally take a break for lunch. We have a couple of salads for lunch, and pretty much eat in silence with the exception of a couple of questions from Steve.

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