Chapter 10- Washington D.C.

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I woke up the next morning to a not so welcomed surprise. Winter was gone, which scared me a little bit, especially after last night. I didn't get a whole lot of details, but the ones that I did, didn't seem to give me any reason to think nothing was wrong. Some of the doctors probably thought that there was something going on, or maybe they didn't and they were just happy that they had their precious guinea pig back.

I decided to get out of bed, but that was probably one of the worst ideas I've ever had because as soon as I got on my feet, I fell right to the ground. Not exactly the best way to start off the day. I wasn't on the ground long, though, because before I knew it, I had a metal arm wrapping around my side to pull me back up. "Feeling better I see," the metal man laughed.

"And you are just Mr. Sunshine this morning, aren't you?" I joked back. He gave me a not-so amused face, which made my comment that much funnier. "So, where'd you go this morning?" I asked.

"Well," Winter began, dragging out whatever news he had to deliver to me. "We are getting moved."

"What do you mean moved?"

"Like across the ocean," he answered. I had never been off this continent before. The farthest I've been away from the base is Germany, and we all know how that mission went.

"For how long?" I asked.

"As long as they need us for."

"Okay," I nodded, a little freaked out. I tried to look like I was perfectly fine with it, but I was really not okay with this. I'd be flying across a whole ocean just to be somewhere for who knows how long and I didn't even know why. Not to mention the ocean part. That was probably scaring me the most. I had literally fought someone to the death, and flying over the ocean is what I was afraid of? How ironic is that?

"Think of it as a long vacation," Winter said. He probably only said that because he could tell I was silently panicking about the whole thing, but I was glad he was trying to comfort me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself down. Nothing was happening today, so there was no use in freaking out now. I still had time to come to terms with this. Who knows, maybe this could lead to something even better for Winter and me? "When are we leaving?" I asked Winter.

"Tomorrow," he answered. So much for the time to come to terms with all of it.


Winter and I packed up all of our belongings, which wasn't much, but that made it pretty easy to fit into a couple of boxes each. I think that Winter only had one box, not even two. Now, we were waiting for the plane to be rolled over to us, and if someone were to say that I was acting like a crazy lady, then they wouldn't be wrong. I had an excuse, though, and that excuse was I was terrified of flying over the ocean. Good thing I was literally trained to take orders because if it weren't for that, then I would definitely be screaming at every single person talking to me today.

"Are you sure we are ready for this?" I asked the man standing next to me.

"More than you know," Winter answered. As the plane rolled over to us, we started making our way towards it. Something about this whole thing was giving me so much anxiety, and it wasn't just the flying over the ocean part. There was something else, and I could feel it in my gut, but I didn't know why.

"Do you think I'm ready?" I asked Winter. "I mean do you think that I have enough control over my powers to go through with this."

"They wouldn't be sending you if they didn't think you were ready," Winter said. I nodded my head to show him and myself that I knew he was right. However, I was scared out of my mind. There was something off about this entire thing, but I had no idea what it was.

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