Chapter 3- Later

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5 years later

"No. No, No!" I screamed. All this time and I was still being experimented on. All of the tests must have had a good outcome because I wasn't dead yet. I begged and begged to die, but my prayers went unanswered. The only one I had left was Soldier. He would train with me and look after me when the doctors decided my body needed to recover from the tests. I considered him my friend; he was as close as I was going to get to one. He didn't talk much, but he was there when no one else was.

"Stop squirming, or you will be punished," someone warned. It was the same man who walked in the first time I had been experimented on. He had blonde hair and dressed very business-like, making him look very important, which he clearly was. I gave him a look of hatred. I knew he was behind all of this, and I knew that he was the one ordering all the tests and experiments. "This is the last test, and then you will go on missions for us. You will be a great addition to our cause," he said.

"And why would I do that?" I asked. There was no way I was going back to being a killing machine.

"You might not willingly do it-"

"No. I will never kill for you again." He slapped his hand across my face, but that only further infuriated me. I couldn't do anything in the situation I was in, though. How was I supposed to fight back when I was strapped down against a table, and people guarding every door. I couldn't.

"You will," he spat in my face. "Put her in the chamber." Shit.

I've heard of the chamber, but no one ever comes back from it. I've made a few friends, believe it or not, and they have all gone into the chamber, but not a single one of them has come back alive. They threw one of them on the floor of my room just to threaten me and make me behave. I was going to die. After everything I've been through, I was going to die in a chamber. Not even in a battle.

I was grabbed by each of my arms and dragged off of the table. This was my chance. I had to do something. So, I did.

I pushed all of my weight to either side, helping me build my momentum, and used it to headbutt one of the guards attached to my side. He flew back into the wall, and while the other one was still trying to comprehend what was happening, I kicked him into the opposite wall. I was free. For the first time in five years, I wasn't being guarded by anyone. But I did have some guards making their way towards me.

I did the best I could to make my way through each one, but every time I took some down, more would come. Eventually, I was surrounded, and there was nowhere for me to go. I dropped to my knees and put my hands in the air, signaling I surrendered, but part of me hoped that one of the guns that pointed at me would go off. "What are you waiting for?" I gave one of them a smirk. He was about to do it, too, before the man who slapped me shouted to stop.

"Soldier," the man said, signaling the man I considered my friend. "Escort her to the chamber, and when she is done in there, take her to the machine." He nodded, and I knew there was no way out of this one. I could try, but what was the use?

He grabbed my arm abruptly and dragged me through the hall. We turned a few times before he shoved me against the wall, and placed his hands on both of my shoulders. "What the hell?" I questioned.

"Shut up, and listen to me," he commanded.

"Why should I?"

"Because I know what is going to happen to you. Stop fighting them; you will only end up dead."

"Maybe I want to die." This made him pause, thinking about what to say next. He then realized how much time he was wasting, and continued.

"Hydra will find a way to do something to you even after you're dead, so stop fighting them. It's easier this way."

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