Chapter 22- Shock

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"Winter?" the only thing that I could get out of my mouth.

Standing in the doorway was the man that has been inside my head since the second I got here, but now that he is here, I have no idea what to do or say. Both of us seemed too stunned to even move our eyes off of each other.

Tony stiffens at my side, and I'm sure that has something to do with the fact that Winter is a trained assassin who literally tried to kill someone standing right next to him. I guess he forgets that I'm exactly the same way. I can't blame him for being nervous, though. I would be too.

Steve tugs at Winter's shoulder, trying to get him to leave. I can see him muttering something, but can't quite decipher the way his lips are moving. I can feel Tony saying something beside me as well, but when I look up, he has already stopped talking.

I really need to find a way to get my hearing back.

I look to the doorway once more, but I'm disappointed when I see Winter's back moving away from me. I guess Steve and Tony both convinced him that now was probably not a good time, or maybe he didn't know what to say to me either.

I decided to let this go and just focus on myself right now. I'm thanking my lucky stars that Tony wants to be a part of my life because I really don't know what I would be doing right now if he wasn't with me.

I can feel my body readying itself for sleep, but my mind doesn't seem to feel the same way. There is so much swirling around in my brain that it seems impossible for me to sleep. But, given the past few days' events, my body needs the rest more than my mind needs to get through all of its problems.

Eventually, I fall asleep. Once again, I am thankful for this marshmallow bed.


After what must be hours later, my mind forces me out of deep sleep. I had one of those dreams where you were falling and your body startles you awake, except I think it was actually a real memory of falling.

There are too many things occupying my mind to fall back asleep. I stare at the ceiling before realizing that Tony isn't next to me. I look around the room, seeing a night light plugged into the wall, and realize that the glass has also mysteriously disappeared. I don't think it's very hard to tell who must have cleaned that up.

My stomach starts rumbling, so I decide that a little late-night snack never hurt anyone.

Making my way to the kitchen is a little more eerie than usual, most likely because of the whole hearing issue. I can feel my stomach twisting around and I just pray that it isn't loud enough for anyone to hear. I don't think I've eaten since I got out of that hospital room.

I make it to the kitchen without being spotted and grab a bucket of ice cream from the fridge. It's the good chocolate kind; the one with cookie dough and Oreos in it. After I had it on that outing with Steve, there has always been a container of it since.

I turn to the island in the center of the kitchen, ready to sit down to eat my ice cream. When I turn, though, I'm startled by the presence that is in the kitchen. It's the same presence that I locked eyes with hours earlier. I almost drop my ice cream, but I managed to catch it in a very clumsy way.

I set my ice cream down on the counter to avoid further embarrassment and walk over to where Winter is standing. Once again, our eyes are locked on each other like if we look away then the other will disappear.

Still not believing that he is real and he is here, I reach my hand out to touch his face. My hand is met with the roughness of his beard. He is real. He is standing before me after all this time.

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