Chapter 17

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ScorpionPaw found himself running, holding the remaining Star Flowers. The ground shook violently, and the moon glowed, brighter than it had ever been. ScorpionPaw tumbled down, struggling to stand up, he was, weak. The yowls of joy where heard around him, and ScorpionPaw weakly crawled under a bush, holding the flowers close to him, he heard cats running, yowling, celebrating something. ScorpionPaw cough, blood failing out of his mouth. " TawnyPelt...I want TawnyPelt! " ScorpionPaw called, burring his nose under his paws, crying softly. He looked up slightly, and saw massive paws in front of him, dripping with the shadowy goop. " S-ScorpionP-paw....? " it mumbled, seemingly trying to speak with him. ScorpionPaw sniffled " M-MapleShade...? " ScorpionPaw responded, and the paws quickly faced he bush, growling loudly. " M-MapleShade...I can help you, please let me... " ScorpionPaw said, slowly standing up. The shadow growled, but he could see her Amber eyes beneath full of pain and guilt. " Ok...just stay still..." ScorpionPaw whispered, and chewed the Star Flowers, and spit the poly juice on his paw, and slowly rubbed it on her forehead " Your kits miss you.....FreckleWish, RavenWing, and AppleDusk forgive you...they want you  in StarClan " ScorpionPaw whispered. The shadow good glowed a bright yellow, and melted of her, MapleShades eyes where bright amber, her paws twinkled with stars, and her fur glowed. " ScorpionPaw....You....helped me " MapleShade gasped. " I will always help you, you have done so much for me " ScorpionPaw smiled. " Come on, let's get you home " MapleShade grabbed his scruff, and ran towards the sky, ScorpionPaw dangling from her jaw. ScorpionPaw closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he was laying in a wavy field of tall grass, MapleShade standing above him. ScorpionPaw scrambled up, and saw the three kits who helped him run up to him and MapleShade " Mama! " PatchKit mewed, stumbling to hault infront of her. " My kits, how I longed for you every day " MapleShade mewed. LarchKit and PetalKit playfully leaped on her, and soon after the kits, FreckleWish, RavenWing, and AppleDusk stood infront of them. " MapleShade " FreckleWish said, starring at her. " FreckleWish....I' sorry, to all of you. I..." MapleShade started, and the other three smiled softly " We shouldn't of  thrown you away because of your choices. We are sorry " RavenWing spoke. MapleShade Smiled, and another cat, Smaller In size, With a Grey pelt, and dark spotted stripes along his back. " ScorpionPaw, I am PebbleHeart, first Medicine cat of ShadowClan. I must thank you for all the help you have done so far, now before we get you home, we need to find you a watcher " PebbleHeart spoke. " Thank you, PebbleHeart but..."  ScorpionPaw started, and looked back at the cats gathered behind him " I belive I have enough " ScorpionPaw chuckled. PebbleHeart nodded " I see, very well, return to your nest, ScorpionPaw " PebbleHeart pressed his nose against his forehead, and ScorpionPaw closed  his eyes.

ScorpionPaw yawned, looking around from where he woke. He was in the medicine den, they must of moved him in when he didn't wake up. " ScorpionPaw? " ScorpionPaw wiped his head around, it was FlamePaw. " FlamePaw! " ScorpionPaw stood up, and wrapped his paws around his brother, smiling. " You wouldn't wake up so we didn't know what happened! " FlamePaw said. " Dont worry...I'm home " ScorpionPaw smiled.

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