Chapter 11

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" Ok SunPaw, what do we do when we spot a enemy clan over the border "  PygmyLeap said, as him and his new apprentice trotted through the moors. " We attack! Aim for the first throats! Make them know never to come back! " SunPaw growled, leaping at a log as if it was a cat, pretending to tear at it. " N-no...we go and alert our clan, you get a small patrol, and then return, asking why they are here, if it turns violent, you would attack only then." PygmyLeap responded, awkwardly laughing. PygmyLeaps ears perked up, and saw a cat,  unfamiliar chattering in the camp " Come on, we need to go " PygmyLeap mumbled, leading SunPaw back to camp. As they entered the camp, OneStar faced a unfamiliar Tom, With a jet black coat, and a  splotch of orange around the ear. " SunPaw! Come here " It was RobinWing who called her. SunPaw dashed over, and she whispered to her. " Cats of WindClan, this cat has come in, saying that he has news, Please, do share " OneStar mumbled, his paws twitched anxiously. " Certainly...Cats of WindClan! My name is Sol, I speak to the sun. I have come to save my Mate and kits from the impending doom you all are going to face " The Tom spoke, now known as Sol. " Yeah, we know Shadows are coming, but us clan cats can protect ourselves, we don't need some random rouges who claim he has a mate and kits here to save us! " LeafTail snarled. " Shadows? Oh yes the shadows, in Three days time, the shadows will awaken, the sun will turn black! The gifted will go weak!  My family will be safer with my cats " Sol spoke, glancing at the cats. " Sol, it is so very kind of you to get us, but we are happy in our clan, we are safe, maybe you could join us, and your  cats  as well, right OneStar? We can have more cats to protect us " It was RobinWing who spoke. " It is more cats to feed, but, we could gain more land from ThunderClan, I'm sure they have been ease dropping on us with there special cat! " OneStar spoke, and cats gather around and yowled in agreement. " Very well Sol, you cats may join, and in three days, we will attack ThunderClan! " OneStar yowled, and the cats yowled back. PygmyLeap looked at the cats around him, heavily confused,  was he going to lose his gift? And no one was going to care. He stared at Sol, who sat with RobinWing, talking with his kits. " Somethings not adding up.... "

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