Chapter 7

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" DawnPaw, ScorpionPaw, Tomorrow  starts your warrior assessment " RussetFur announced to the two. " Finally! I'll be a real warrior " DawnPaw said, flicking her head fur back. " I want you two to get rest, you will be woken when it is time to start " RussetFur nodded to them. " Alright, good night RussetFur! " ScorpionPaw smiled, and trotted to the Apprentices den, laying in his nest, falling asleep.

ScorpionPaw yawned, standing on his paws, streaching, before being tackled. " Rip his pelt of! Make him beg for mercy! " It was DawnPaw, and ScorpionPaw Scented OlivePaw and StarlingPaw where on his back. " Enough you three, let him go "  A thick voice snarled at the three. DawnPaw Growled, but crawled of him. " T-TigerStar! Why am I here again! I don't need anything from here! " ScorpionPaw snarled at him. " Well, we can't have you stars stopping our plans " TigerStar growled. " Well then why haven't you already! I've been here enough! " ScorpionPaw growled. " Well if i did it, or anyone else here if wouldn't mean anything would it? So we have a surprise for you " TigerStar chuckled. TigerStar whistled, and a shadow jumped down from a tree branch, snarling over him. " You  recognizes those eyes, don't you ScorpionPaw? " TigerStar snickered. ScorpionPaw gasped. The Amber eyes, the face shape, even the dripping Scars, he couldn't believe it. " M-mapleShade...? No, no this can't be... " ScorpionPaw whimpered, backing up. " Aw, your not as strong as you want to be " DawnPaw teased. " Get him " TigerStar simple said, and MapleShade leaped at him, ScorpionPaw dodged quickly. " Kill him, don't let that star leave this time "  TigerStar snarled. ScorpionPaw jumped up, and ran, trying to find a glowing flower to wake up, but there was none. ScorpionPaw climbed up a tree, and covered his muzzle, remaining silent as MapleShade stalked past him. ScorpionPaw sat in the tree, his mind raced with thoughts " What if I can't get out? What About MapleShade?! Oh me! ". ScorpionPaw gazed at the Starless sky, and suddenly, saw three, small dots approach him. ScorpionPaw stared at them, and they slowly formed into cats, three small kits. " Hello ScorpionPaw! I am LarchKit! These are my siblings, PetalKit and PatchKit. We have seen how close you are with mama...and we miss her a lot. We wanna help you help need to Find a Glowing Star Flower, chew it into a pulp, and rub it on her ForeHead! Then the shadows will leave her. We believe in you! " LarchKit smiled. " And when mama is better, will you tell her That we miss her, and we forgive her? " The tan she, PetalKit spoke. " I will...But what if there are no more Star Flowers for me to wake up to? " ScorpionPaw mewed. " They regrow every moon, so you will be able to get home....please let her know we miss her, and that some of the others are willing to forgive her after seeing how she has helped you, please, help our mama " It was PatchKit who spoke, his yellow eyes somewhat watery. " I will you three...I promise with my life " ScorpionPaw said, nodding to them as they faded away.

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