Chapter 25

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Samaira POV


   It was a beautifully decorated place. So much beautiful that I can't even describe it in words. I was in awe. The interior was just mind blowing.

    Reyansh jerked my hand bringing my eyes back to him and then to ground from beautiful stairs.

     "Don't act stupid here, just try to be modest, if that's possible for you" he warned with his gritted teeth. His words almost brought tears to my eyes. His grip loosened a bit but not enough for me to come out of his grasp.

   There came a man and smiled at him politely. Reyansh returned the smile and shook hands with him. He introduced me to him as his wife. That man just nodded at me and I gave him a smile. Then both the men started discussing their business.

  I was getting bored and may be Reyansh noticed it. He excused us from there and took me to a fancily decorated table to sit.

  "Don't even think about moving an inch from here"


   " And don't roam your eyes on any men. It's not your brothel. Sit like a lady and keep your eyes down and legs closed." and with that he left. I was alone.

   He always used such harsh words for me like I have done some crime. I know my past is questionable but then he knew it. If he didn't liked it then why marry me forcefully.

     The looks Reyansh gave me always reminded me of Idhant. He also use to give me such hateful looks. I begged him for forgiveness but he never listened. I cried, pleaded, did everything in my power but nothing affected him.

     I was missing Idhant very much. He was such a loving and caring person. The way he looked at me with so much love filled in his eyes for me. The way he cared about my every little wish. I ruined it all. I missed him so much.


      After I got to know that Ananya is his girlfriend I wanted to tell him about her everything but needed to have patience. While chatting with them I started making plans for their breakup.

    Ananya was my soon to be sister-in-law as she was engaged with my cousin Aarav who was also a police officer. If I told him about her secret boyfriend then I was sure he will take care of her. I knew he was very possessive kind of guy and already forbidden her to meet any boy.

   All I needed to do was somehow show him their pics. I didn't wanted to trouble Idhant. I decided that I will crop his face or blurr it or something so that no one will recognise him. If Ananya really loved him then she will never tell Aarav about Idhant because he will easily get him behind bars for any reason.

   After I was done with my plan. I excused myself from there and went out to capture their pictures. I stayed there for almost half an hour to get the perfect pic I wanted.

   I clicked their pic in which Ananya's face was clear and Idhant's back was visible. Ananya was slightly bend over him and his hands were at her face. My whole body was burning with jealousy.

   I came out of cafe to take deep breaths and straight went to home to edit these pics a bit. The image of them sitting so close with each other wasn't leaving my mind.

   "Why are you so late today?" as soon as I entered my mother asked me. I was so tired and just wanted to go to my room.

   "I went to eat Paani Puri after college" saying I entered in my room, sat on bed and started viewing those pics. They were just perfect. I selected only two pics which didn't even needed any editing.

   I checked time and realised that Aarav might be at duty. I waited till 8pm and then called him. After usual talked I asked him about Ananya.

   "So, how's our bhabhi doing? Is everything alright between you too" I asked in a serious tone rather than my normal teasing way.

    "She is doing perfect, I just talked to her. Why? You never ask such serious questions? he replied with confidence and love in his voice.

    "umm... Nothing, I think I saw her somewhere today. Maybe it was my hallucination or I might have seen someone similar to her."

     "Samaira, she is studying. So it's not anything strange that you saw her somewhere. She even went to a cafe today with her college friends" he said increasing my courage.

    "No, I saw her with a boy. That's why I asked you. I know that she doesn't have any brother so just asked you" I said and there was silence for few seconds.

    "Who was it?" he asked as if controlling his anger. "I didn't saw his face but yeah I took pics of them. If you want I'll delete them". I said trying to keep my happiness away.

    "Send them to me first then delete them" he said and disconnected the call. I sent him those two pics praying that everything goes as per my plan.

     Next day I called Idhant for confirmation but he didn't received my call. I asked Shanzay about him and she said that she doesn't know anything.

    Soon I received wedding invitation for Ananya and Aarav's wedding which was just 3 months away. It was unexpected for everyone as Ananya was still studying and Aarav said that he would wait.

   I was worried for Idhant. So I called Aarav to confirm that he was doing well. He informed me that Ananya didn't told him about that boy he also added that they were doing engagement ceremony within a week and I had to go there.

    I wanted to meet Idhant once to make sure he was OK. I tried him again and again. Then Shanzay told me that his girlfriend broke up with him and he said that he needs sometime to process everything.

   I decided to give him his much needed space and stopped calling him. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to month. In between all this Ananya and Aarav got engaged.

   Ananya ignored me throughout and it's not like I was dying to talk to her. Everything was done perfectly and now was the time for me to go back to my Idhant.

Flashback ends

     I knew what I did was wrong and whatever happened with me or will happen is the punishment for my wrong doings.

    Someone sat in front of me and waved their hand in front of my eyes. It was Hitesh. He was smiling warmly.

   "You know if it's Reyansh who made you cry I can give him quite good thrashing for it" he said seriously and thats when I realised that I was crying.

  "No, it's not like that. I was just missing someone" I quickly wiped my tears and sat straight.

   "Is my makeup OK or do I look like a ghost?" I asked him and he laughed which got me thinking that I might be looking like a joker?

  "Your make up is perfect." he said and then we both chatted for a bit. Reyansh told me to behave normal around him. Soon Reyansh joined us and Hitesh left with a blond girl.

      "Hello guys" came a cheerful voice and we turned to look at a handsome man who was around late twenties. He looked oddly familiar to me. Reyansh shook hands with him and then that man turned to me. A surprise look crossed his face.

   "Lisa, I didn't knew you started escorting as well." he said to me using my previous name. Then he turned to Reyansh who was already looking angry. "You are a lucky guy man, I asked her so many times but she always denied me saying it isn't allowed"

   "Anyways good to see you here, I'll come and visit you soon" He left from there and I felt cold out of nowhere. I dared to look at Reyansh but his body radiated so much anger that I couldn't dare to look at him.

  Thanks a lot for reading



Hope you like this chapter as well. Sorry for not replying to comments on previous chapter. I was actually quite busy last week.


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