Chapter 26-Ours

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"It's perfect." She said, I quickly picked her up and spun around as she giggled, "Josh!"

"I'm sorry! I'm just so excited!" I said as I put her down, I pulled her into a quick kiss. "So do we sign the lease?"

"Lets do it," she said confidently. I walked back into the kitchen where the manager was waiting and told him that we would take it, thanking him for giving us a chance to see it.

"I just need to know your move in date by tomorrow please." He said to me, I nodded and we headed to our hotel. We got room service and then while Rhiannon was in the shower I decided to call the bands manager. The day of our meeting they had mentioned that they were paying for the movers. I called to see when they were available. Rhiannon stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed, scooting in close to me,

"What did they say about the movers?" she asked as she dried her hair with a towel,

"They said there are 2 possible dates for us to choose from to move." I said, neither were ideal.

"Ok, what are they?" She asked, wondering why I had paused,

"Well, one is Wednesday, and the other date is 2 months from now." I said as I bit the inside of my cheek,

"Wednesday is 2 days from now.." She said concerned,

"I know it's super soon, but if we wait for the later date that means we'd be long distance for a while" I said, feeling my face fall.

"I don't want that.." She said as she scooted closer to me,

"I don't want that either, but do you think we can pull off Wednesday?" I asked

"I mean, I can get someone to let the movers into my apartment in Cali, that way we only have to worry about your stuff in MI" She replied, "We can fly back tomorrow and the movers can come the next day." She shrugged, "I think we can make it work,"

"Are you sure, they need an answer like now if we choose Wednesday." I asked

"It's going to be stressful, but I think we can make it work" she replied,

"Alright, lets do it. I'll let them know." I said, I wanted to excited but I couldn't deny how nervous I was that everything would work out. I made the call and then took a deep breath as I hung up the phone. "This is really happening" I said as I looked to her. She nodded with a smile as she pulled the covers over us,

"Lets get some sleep, the next couple of days are going to be insane." She said as we started to fall asleep. And insane they were. We pulled off getting things packed and the movers had picked up our stuff. It was Thursday morning and me and Rhiannon had flown into Nashville and were sitting in our empty apartment as we waited for the moving trucks to arrive. We heard a knock at the door and we both nearly screamed with excitement as we hurried to open it. We opened the door and the movers started bringing in our furniture. Rhiannon stayed in her room, getting it unpacked and situated. I did the same with my room, occasionally helping the movers carry things. I had gone downstairs to see how much stuff was left to move in and when I got back to the apartment I laughed as I saw Rhiannon directing the movers where to put stuff in the living room.

"What?" She said when she heard me laugh.

"You have great leadership skills," I said smirking as I walked over to her,

"Thats just a nice way to say I'm bossy" She said as she scrunched up her nose, I threw my head back laughing. I placed a kiss on her forehead as I walked to my room to start situating things. I had gotten most of my clothes unpacked when I looked up and saw Rhiannon carrying a box, leaning back slightly, indicating to me that it was heavy,

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