Chapter 53 ~ The Cult

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Everybody look at this!

OMG y'all! I can't believe this!———————————————————————+Russia's POV+We were all gathered around while Chief made an announcement concerning a big case that had been sent to us to take care of

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OMG y'all! I can't believe this!
+Russia's POV+
We were all gathered around while Chief made an announcement concerning a big case that had been sent to us to take care of.

"Alright everyone!" Chief said. "We've got a dangerous case on our hands so volunteer with caution and after I've explained it" he said, reading from a list.

"We've confirmed a group of murderers and have confirmed a few of their kills" he said. "However, more people and children have gone missing in that area so our number may be inaccurate" he told us.

Austria raised his hand.

"Yes Austria?" Chief called on him.

"Do we know how many members there are in this group?" he asked, lowering his arm.

"8 from what we've counted" Chief replied.

Austria nodded and some others nodded or showed some sign of acknowledgment for the information.

"We don't know if they have hostages or have already killed all their victims, so approach with caution" he continued.

"So who would like to volunteer to help with the case?" he asked, glancing around.

Nobody answered for a few moments but NATO raised his hand and Vietnam was almost just as quick.

Then German Empire raised his hand, of course followed by Germany. Then my father did, so I raised my hand as well.

"I'm glad we have so many volunteers so quickly" said Chief, smiling.

I was a bit surprised by NATO volunteering, he generally specialized in cyber security and didn't really go on actual missions, just helped out from his computer.

Despite Vietnam volunteering, South Vietnam didn't. Vietnam told me South was a bit scared of my father, so he avoided him, said it was something about some gut feeling he had about him. Even Vietnam tended to avoid my father, but it wasn't so much so that he couldn't work with him.

Soon enough, we found ourselves on our way to the targeted area.

NATO kept quiet the whole ride. I wonder if he had personal reasons for joining this case.

"I'm curious as to how America will go about this" said Vietnam, making conversation with me, while GE and my father talked in hushed voices and Germany read the case info on her phone.

"Me too" I replied.

"Maybe he'll use a more violent State to take them all out" Vietnam suggested. "Or pick them off one by one" he added.

"At least if he does that, we'll have a better chance of catching a couple of them ourselves" he said.

I nodded, I didn't feel like talking, I guess I was worried about NATO.

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