Chapter 52 ~ Sleepy Forest Drink's

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+Russia's POV+
I decided to visit North and South at their work. A half cafe half bar kind of place called the Sleepy Forest.

South worked as a barista in the cafe part, while North worked as a bartender in the bar part of the place.

(As explained before)

The half of the place South worked in, was nicely lit and had this cottage core aesthetic with flowers everywhere. While North's half resembled that more of a forest at night, with its lightly glowing fluorescent mushrooms of various sizes. There were some mushroom like chairs, while smaller ones were decorations, and there were even clutters of them in certain spots.

Both areas were nice relaxing places.

I currently sat in South's area, watching him mix all kinds of pretty looking drinks with little snacks that corresponded in color.

For his uniform, he had on this white long sleeve polo shirt, with a beige colored vest decorated by lightly colored flowers, white pants, and a flower crown on his head.

Japan sat next to me, drinking this pretty purple butterfly tea with ice in it along with a red bean paste bun.

I could notice the way she kept glancing at South, she couldn't keep her eyes off him. I wonder if she's mad at him?

(And Oblivious Russia strikes again)

"Russia, can you go check up on North for me?" South asked, currently making another pretty drink. "It's usually quiet in the bar in the mornings so could you keep him company?" he asked.

"Yeah sure" I replied, standing up.

I left and walked through the double doors that lead into a completely different looking area. Despite it being morning, the place was as dark as usual.

Like I said before, it resembled a forest at night, it had the mushrooms around as well as trees to separate tables and make little comfortable places to sit, and if you looked up at the ceiling, it had a nice starry night sky to look at, even a dimly lit up crescent moon with the shadow of a man sitting on it had been set up on the wall by the bar area.

I made my way to the bar, knowing North would be there. He liked the dark comfortable aura the place brought so he actually liked working here, luckily since he'd quit and been fired from a bunch of jobs in the past for being anti-social and dark.

He wore a work outfit similar to that of South's, but much darker. He wore a black long sleeve polo shirt, with a spruce dark brown colored vest patterned by mushrooms on the bottom lining that glowed in the black light of the place, and black pants. Unfortunately, he didn't get anything like the flower crown South got to wear.

But I don't think he would have put up with it anyways.

"South sent me to check on you" I told him, sitting down.

He currently looked to be cleaning a glass with a white rag.

"Oh okay, are they doing alright over there?" he asked.

"Things are going smoothly, not too busy" I replied.

"South looked to be enjoying himself" I added.

"He usually does, it's a good work place for him" said North, putting the glass he was cleaning down.

"I'm glad I could work so close to him" he said.

"You can keep an eye on him, he can keep an eye on you" I commented with a smirk.

"We can keep an eye on each other" North corrected.

"Do you even need to be on shift while no one's here?" I asked.

The One Man MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora