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In the years to come, the Ducks would all grow into themselves, learning who they are and what they want to do with their lives

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In the years to come, the Ducks would all grow into themselves, learning who they are and what they want to do with their lives.

That started with sophomore year, when everyone found out that they could do other things beside hockey.

Marlene took her figure skating skills to a national level, Kiara, Beth, Vic, Jane, and Ken by her side. Figure skating led her to take up dance, and she found that she was much better off the ice.

High school was eventful for her. She joined the soccer team with Connie and Julie her sophomore year, found that she really loves the sport, and played for the rest of her high school years.

Julie liked the sport the most, though. See, in hockey, she stood as the goalie. Between the pipes every game with only one objective: don't let the puck in the net. On the soccer field, she played a running position, and was allowed to take control of the ball and bolt across the grass.

For most of her life, Marlene had stuck to hockey. She was good at it, she played it with her friends, and it was all she ever needed. But during her breakdown era, she found that she needed more. The routine of it all was wearing on her.

She tried art and theater, sports, music - playing, writing, and just vividly listening - volunteer work, student council, and even cheer - though, she found that it wasn't her favorite.

Everyone found some sort of knack.

Averman had a theater class with Marlene, where they did small samples of magic, which made him vividly interested in becoming a magician.

When Marlene started trying other sports, the team took after her. They excelled, too.

Luis played baseball in Miami and convinced Adam, Jesse, and Guy to join the Eden Hall team with him. They did rather well, only losing a couple of games in the three years they played. Connie and Marlene had a field day watching them play. It was usually the best part of their week.

Jesse did track and field with Ken and Dwayne, too - that was the only sport Averman did other than hockey. Jesse joined the basketball team with Luis and Dean as well.

Football was played by every male on the team except for Ken and Averman, who simply weren't cut out to play against other teams. They would join the roughhousing games between their friends, but that's it.

Again, that was a sport that was enjoyed by Connie and Marlene, and this time Linda. Marlene never missed a game of Adam's, whether that be football or baseball, she was there. Very touching, Averman always teased.

The Ducks as a team went from competition to competition, winning game after game, building their reputation.

For the team as a whole, relationships came and went, along with first experiences and plenty of vacations. Grades excelled and dropped, detentions were handed out often but, surprisingly, no one was ever suspended.

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