the end

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so for anyone confused about the time line, i figured i would give it here just in case

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so for anyone confused about the time line, i figured i would give it here just in case. if you read through again and it doesn't match the following, ignore it.

what i state below is the way it should flow because i said so.
(that rhymed)

• starting with when marlene and charlie met: around winter of 1989.

• the D5 team was created in the hockey season of 1992. the ducks were made that same year.

• the good will games took place the summer of 1994.

• they went to eden hall in august of 1996.

• the first hockey practice was a week into the new school year.

• marlene's first figure skating competition was two weeks into the school year. it was on a sunday, but the rest of the comps were on saturdays.

—any hockey game mentioned is probably on a friday.

• a week after the comp, the varsity pranks the JV by soaking their clothes in the showers - and got karma by getting their jackets ruined.

• a week after the first pranks, the varsity makes up the dinner. its now september.

^ the dinner happens on saturday of the first week in september. the JV ant prank happens on the following sunday. the challenge game happens early monday morning.

• charlie doesn't go to school for the rest of that week^

• hans dies the the night of the first game charlie skipped (still the first week of september) his funereal was held the second week of september on a wednesday.

• bombay gives charlie the intervention speech on thursday (the day after hans' funeral) marlene gets her talk the same day

• the next week, charlie is back for good, only to have buckley inform them that they won't be here much longer.

^ the board meeting happens the next day. (on friday) they get their scholarships secured.

• the next week is the showdown and marlene's competition. (first week of october)

— then follows halloween

• the day after halloween - the first of november - charlie, linda, adam, and marlene go to the mall.

• the next week is the competition with the pair skate of ken and marlene.

^ that same night (the night of the comp) the finnigan's have dinner with the banks'.

(add the epilogue) the end.

for those wondering, yes i did have a second book. but i got to the point where i realized that there was no need for a sequel. all you really needed to know was that adam and marlene had a rocky period of time their senior year.

but they're soulmates, honestly, so they really don't fight much. marlene might be hostile, but adam knows how to handle her.

i suppose i slightly apologize for not getting too deep into any intimate scenes, but in my defense they're only like fifteen... that being said, the only reason i implied any of those actions in this book is because

one: watching the movies, they cracked jokes about it and such - not to mention luis and his entirety...


two: any other movie you watch about kids in the nineties will probably hint at such actions.

honestly, the only thing that would really peeve me is if someone said "she's too young to be having breakdowns like that" or something along those lines. i've been acting similar to the way marlene handled things since i was around nine, so just remember that everyone works and thinks differently.

some people go their entire lives without having breakdowns. i was not so lucky, and this story gave me the opportunity to portray such things. so i did. simple as that. if you don't like it, move along - respectfully, of course.

for those wondering, kiara became a trauma surgeon, jane became a social worker, and vic became a journalist for a newspaper/website.

please don't mention ANYTHING about their sexualities. i don't give a fuck about the time period or what they are cannonically.

yes, i made julie marry a woman. adding to that, marlene herself is bisexual. i may have put her with a male, but when i was starting her character layout, i wrote her as a girl who likes both men and women. and yes, averman might marry a man. so what?

i won't get into everyone else's sexualities, i'll leave it there. i just want you guys to be respectful.

again, please excuse any errors in my writing. i hate editing so whatever i type is typically what gets published and i type really fast.

also - and this part is embarrassing - please ignore any pieces of the story where info doesn't match up, whether with things in the movies or parts i wrote. i mix up numbers and descriptions sometimes, making it tough to write.

anyways. hope you didn't hate it.

bye now :)

tough luck - adam banks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora