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15 — such a barbaric sport

"My lawyer came by and said I ought to accept it."

Monday passes, as does Tuesday and Wednesday

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Monday passes, as does Tuesday and Wednesday. Marlene does horrible at hockey practice, but pushes herself to her ends at figure skating lessons. She gets home exhausted, eats dinner, showers, and falls asleep almost immediately. She doesn't feel tired, she actually feels really content. Her mind is a little over worked, but her body is nothing abnormal.

She's maybe just a little lonely. She watches the Ducks get along how they used to, and wishes she could bring herself to speak to them, but after what happened with Adam she's been out of sorts. But she knows it's her fault, so she can't be too upset. She's the one who busies herself. Always going somewhere, always doing something. She draws, she reads, she works - she's never just sitting there. This way she can't overthink.

Adam is worried out of his mind, and Charlie thinks he might lose his if he listens to Adam go on about how bad he feels on more time. Over and over again, Charlie listens to Adam rant about how scared he is that they won't get the old Marlene back and how it would be his fault because he started the Downfall of Marlene - as the team has been calling it. The name is them trying to make light of the situation.

They all think about it differently.

Averman and Russ joke about it, but nobody thinks it's funny except the two of them - fight sorrow with comedy. It's the only way they can handle it.

Connie and Julie take it out on others with backhanded sayings and grumpy moods.

Fulton might as well start crying, because now he's lost Marlene for real and Dean was already gone. He won't though. He just complains to Kenny about how he feels like he doesn't have control anymore.

Kenny just stares a lot, because his morale is up when the team's is, and since theirs is down so is his.

Dwayne asks a lot of questions on the daily, and Connie and Julie always snap at him and he apologizes profusely.

Luis spends a lot of time practicing his stops - anything to keep from doing homework. Guy trains with Luis, because he's at the point of his life where he wants to be a hockey coach, and what better way to distract himself than help a friend in need of some tips?

Goldberg picked up more shifts at his family's business, mainly because he knows Marlene loves eating there and he's hoping he will be there if she stops by.

No dice.

Coach Orion was mad at her at first, because he had seen her performance in the Varsity games, so he knew that she was not this bad at hockey. Even Charlie was a bit peeved.

"Finnigan, are you trying to be funny?" Coach Orion yells, just like he did throughout all of the week - it's Friday now. The day of the showdown. Even today is busy for her.

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