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02 — pops

"I don't think he has much fun."

In the locker rooms, the Ducks get ready for their first hockey practice with a new coach

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In the locker rooms, the Ducks get ready for their first hockey practice with a new coach. The room is filled with nerves, nobody knows what to expect.

They all put their gear on, snapping buckles and connecting velcro, but in their minds, they're worried. They've heard so many things about Coach Orion, good and bad. With most rumors being from the Varsity team, Marlene tries to ignore them, but she can't help but wonder. She hopes Orion will be good of course, but what's a good coach if he's mean and rude? If the coach brings the whole morale of the team down, how good is he really?

The team shuffles out of the locker room to find an empty rink. All they can do is stare. The rink has high ceilings, with banners lining the rafters. The banners are prizes that show Eden Hall's hockey victories, and threats that tell the Ducks they better bring it. The sun pours in through the windows, casting streaks of light in the stands. The team gets on the ice, skating over to the huge Eden Hall Warriors logo that is plastered on the ice. The colors are bright, making it even harder to miss.

Russ takes a good look at every bit of the rink. The lights, the stands, the bench and the box. "Something tells me we are totally screwed," he mutters, looking over the length of the rink. Charlie shoves his shoulder, pressing his palm into a sore spot. Russ yelps as he rubs his shoulder with a glare towards Charlie.

"Don't say that Russ, you'll jinx it." Russ rolls his eyes dramatically, mumbling about superstitions.

"Where's this new coach?" Marlene asks, gliding around the group of her teammates that stand in the middle of the rink. They all turn their heads to track her as she moves. "Practice started five minutes ago."

"Well," Charlie shrugs, "guess we better start warming up."

"But, we can't do warm ups without a coach," Dwayne says. "Won't we get in trouble for that?"

"Let me handle it, Dwayne. After all, I am the captain." He tosses Dwayne a length of rope. "Now, let's be Ducks while we still can be. Rancher Dwayne, how 'bout a game of Cattle Round-up?" he says in a dandy country accent.

Dwayne stares down at the looped rope that he holds, his mouth hanging agape slightly. He slowly cracks a smile. He whips out the rope, spinning it above him as he betters his grip.

"Yee-haw!" he hollers as everyone disperses. The rink that was filled with looming silence is now occupied by laughter and shrieks of thrill. Averman is the first to get caught, but only because Russ pushed him flat on his stomach. Dwayne took the chance anyhow. One cow down.

Duck after Duck - or, cow after cow - Dwayne keeps roping them in until it's just Charlie, Marlene, and Connie. The three of them skate backwards, beckoning for Dwayne to try at them. "Come on Dwayne!" Connie calls. "Just three left." The caught-cattle cheer for Dwayne, standing at the edge of the ice.

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