Chapter 11 | Irving Hall

Start from the beginning

And today, hopefully, Jack silently vows, I can show David that I can be the best friend that anyone can ask for.

And maybe, just maybe, we can become something more once again.

"Did you sleep out there all night?" Sarah's voice interrupts his thoughts.

Jack jumps a little, startled. He didn't notice that she opened the window. She stands there, amused smile on her face.

"I...uh..." Jack never planned for when someone inevitably found him. He swallows. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you wake us up?" she asks curiously.

Jack shrugs, still sheepish. "Well, I didn't wanna disturb nobody."

She nods thoughtfully. That is a good reason. Maybe not the best one, but it still is a reason. Before awkward silence can fall between them, she tells him, "Go up on the roof."

The city always does look better from the rooftops. And everything else, for that matter. And up here, there's nothing between him and the great big sky. Jack can picture it now: him and David up here at night (is tonight too soon to dream about?) looking up at the sky full of stars, holding hands, or just being together.

Sarah comes up on the roof, disrupting his thoughts again.

But she's bringing food, and his stomach is realizing how hungry it is, so he's not complaining. Well, not too much.

"I made you breakfast," she says.

"Thank you," Jack returns graciously, and starts taking some food. Then he realizes something. "Does David ... does he know I'm here?"

Sarah pauses. "I figured you would have gone to him if you would have wanted him to know you were here, and there must have been a reason why you didn't."

Wow, she's observant. 

Jack looks down. "I...yeah, I didn't want him to know." Just because I think we were friends yesterday doesn't mean he'll feel like we're friends today.

It's obvious that Sarah wants to pry. But she doesn't. Jack silently thanks her for that. Instead, she changes the subject. "You should hear our father talk about you," she says at last, with an amused smile. "To him you are the amazing Jack Kelly, strike leader, who occasionally dines with us."

They both chuckle at that.

"Yeah, and this is one strike leader who is gonna be real happy when this strike is over," Jack says. "When the strike's done, I'm outta here. I'll be on the first train to Santa Fe." He pauses, wondering if he's said too much. "I mean, there ain't nothing more for me to stay for, now is there?"

Sarah hesitates. "I know my brother, Jack. He doesn't want to show it, but he does care about you. A lot."

Jack swallows. Those words are giving him hope. He doesn't want to get his hopes up.

Except for the small part of him that does want to.

"I'm just not used to having whether I stay or whether I go matter to anyone," Jack says at last. "But you know ... for him ... or just ..." he pauses. "Well, does it? Matter?" To David? He doesn't say it out loud, but both knew that that was what he was trying to convey.

"I don't know if you two met just this week or if you've met before," Sarah continues, choosing her words wisely, "But I know you mean a lot to David. I know that he wouldn't want to see you leave."

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