Chapter 25-Future

Start from the beginning

"We will meet you guys out there, we are going to get some drinks first." I replied. They nodded and headed towards the back yard where there was a fire pit. "Babe, I promise we can tell people as soon as I get a doctors confirmation." I whispered in his ear, he gave me a soft smile and nodded. I kissed his cheek as we headed to the kitchen to grab drinks. I knew it was killing him not telling anyone, but I really wanted to wait. We got our drinks and headed outside to find Jake, Sloan, Kenzi and Danny. We could tell by the excitement on Kenzi's face that Sloan had already told her. Josh sat down in a chair and pulled me into his lap. We listened as they discussed all things baby and I felt Josh's grip get tighter on my hand as he smiled up at me when they mentioned certain things. When Sloan mentioned her due date I saw Josh's eyes shoot to me, I assume wondering what mine would be since I was having the same symptoms as Sloan already.

"Sloan how far along did they say you were?" Josh asked.

"They said like 8 weeks." Sloan replied before continuing her conversation with Danny and Kenzi. Josh nodded softly, looking like he was doing math in his head. I was in a conversation with Josh when I noticed Sloan getting up and walking into the house. I watched as she walked up the steps to the house, Lin walking towards her from the back door. I kept my eyes on them to see if Lin would say anything. Instead of stopping to talk to her I saw Lin shoulder check Sloan as she passed her on the stairs, sending Sloan flying backwards to the ground.

"Sloan!" I heard Jake yell as he quickly ran over.

"That fucking bitch." I hissed under my breath as I stood up, no one pushed my friends around. I stood up to go deal with Lin but Josh quickly grabbed my hand, holding me back.

"I think Jake and Sam have it covered." He said quietly. I heard Jake yell something at Lin about Sloan being pregnant, and then heard Sam telling Lin to leave, because he had seen the whole thing.

"I just want to go check on Sloan," I said as I looked back to Josh, he nodded and stood to walk over with me.

"Baby are you ok?" I heard Jake ask Sloan as I approached.

"I think so, just my elbows are bleeding, and my dress is ruined." She sighed as she turned slightly to see the mud covering the back of her dress.

"I can fix your dress Sloan, I'm a miracle worker with stains." I said as I gently touched her arm, giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded and Jake took her upstairs to change. I sat down on the steps of the deck with Josh sitting down next to me.

"You ok?" He asked as he put his hand on my thigh.

"My heart is just beating really fast. I got so mad and worried about Sloan at the same time, I think I just need to sit here for a second"

"We can do that." He said softly, "Let me know if you start feeling worse," I nodded and closed my eyes, leaning my head on Josh's shoulder as I took some deep breaths.

"You know, it's almost midnight." Josh said, I looked over to see him raising his eyebrows playfully,

"Are you excited to kiss me Kiszka" I asked as I slowly sat up, giving him a smirk

"I'm always excited to kiss you silly," He said with a small laugh, "But a news years kiss is a special kiss. It's symbolic of welcoming the future together, and I just want you to know how excited I am about our future together, all 3 of us." He said as he discreetly placed his hand on my stomach. I couldn't help but smile, because I was excited too. "Speaking of our future I've been thinking about the living situation and I think I have an idea if you're willing to hear me out?"

"Go ahead," I said as I turned a bit more to face him, he took a deep breath before he spoke,

"What if, we get an apartment but we each have our own rooms, that way you would have your own space, but I could still be close? Of course you could sleep over in my room whenever you wanted," He added with a smile. I sat in silence for a moment as I considered it.

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