Author's Note

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Before we start, I just have a few quick words for you.

Originally, this was to be a story to just be posted on Wattpad for fun and to keep my sanity while I worked on my darker manuscript in the background. After a few months and even more ideas on the directions the Chronicles of Stormwood could take, I have decided that is not the case anymore. I have decided, like my other manuscript, I would like to find an agent willing to accept this story--this series--and assist me in finding a publisher that will put it on shelves.

Wattpad will still be the first to see how Dezzery's story unfolds, but I thought you, as readers, should know this: This is only a first draft (at the time this is written). I'll be going back and changing things, either small changes or large ones, ever few chapters and post the revised chapters here. It might be every 10 chapters, it might be after I finish each "book"; we shall see. Please keep this in mind as you read.

I know right now, with six chapters out and a seventh in the making (3/1/2022), I want badly to go back and rewrite all six of those chapters. I have ideas on parts to cut out and shorten, others to write better and with more detail. I also want to add a prologue in as well. But I have told myself to at least wait until chapter ten if not the end of this part of Dezzery's story.

So, while you continue beyond this page, just know ever now and again, you might have to go back and start (or skim) again, because something may be different.  And once this, as a manuscript, is ready: as in I feel I have reached my final revision before agent hunting, I'll only have the first five or ten chapters here for you all to enjoy while I work to make this story into a physical copy.

Anyways, I'll let you carry on. 

Happy reading!

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