CHAPTER 14 || Survival instincts

Start from the beginning

"What else do we have to know?" Jimin cut her off.

"Jimin ah, class prez means—" Suhyeok was trying to help Namra again.

"You don't even understand what she talks about."

"Hmm." Seemed like he failed.

Minji giggled inside her brain about the fact that Suhyeok knew nothing but still helped Namra explain. There was definitely some driving force that made him speak even though he knew he might embarrass himself.

"I think she means we have to understand the situation in order to take action." Minji stated.

"Yes, something like that." Namra nodded at her.

"I agree." Cheongsan spoke up. "We have to know something before we act."

"How could we do that? We can surf the internet if we have a phone." Daesu said.

"But we don't have one." Suhyeok commented.

"There will be one in teacher's office." Cheongsan replied.

Minji already understood what he was thinking.

"I don't think we necessarily need a phone." She suggested.

Cheongsan narrowed his eyes at her.

"So how are we gonna understand our situation? We know nothing!" he scoffed.

"Look, we have got enough information we need to know already."

"What do we get? We didn't even have the chance to surf the internet." Jimin rolled her eyes.

Minji sighed. "What do you want to get"

"Like what actually is happening?" Daesu suggested.

"It's apparently a zombie virus thing. It can be transmitted through blood. Zombies majorly depend on their hearing to locate us, secondly the smell or else they couldn't differentiate humans from other zombies. They are basically immortal but cutting through their throat or brain could kill them. Don't know the reason behind it and we don't need to know."

For the first time in forever Minji said this lot in front of people, but it did receive some eyes of amusement.

"But we need to know about the situation outside..." Hyoryeong questioned softly.

"Hyeonju should be the first one who got infected, that means the virus may have already spread outside. Plus, there are so many helicopters, if rescues team can travel by vehicles so easily, why helicopters? Also, we have called but no one is here. It only suggests that vehicles could hardly move, either because of traffic or zombies."

Minji replied simply, crossing her arms.

"I guess the adults you all count on could not win over zombies too."

"Wait, somehow, she is right." Joonyeong propped his chin. Namra who was on the other side of the table facing Minji also nodded in agreement.

"You know my mother? She would have turned the school upside down to find me."

"But, we still need a phone to contact them so that the rescue teams can locate us and save us." Wujin wondered and received a sneer from the girl.

"Guys, they are not going to save us. There was five helicopters, they had been spiralling around the school for 5 times the whole night, 3 times that were so close that the lights could shoot inside the room and blinded me. They could have saved us all these time."

"How do you know? You didn't sleep?" Daesu gasped.

"I am not deaf, and I don't sleep like a freaking pig, like you, oink oink." She faked a smile at Daesu who furrowed his brows and pouted.

"I am just curious..." He did not expect to be attacked.

"I don't know you are this smart? I remembered you ranked only one place higher than me. How do you know this much?" Suhyeok's eyes widen.

"Yeah...and you can fight so well too...fitting quite well in this situation." Hyoryeong gazed at the girl with unbuttoned white shirt, raising her brows.

"I guess... common sense and survival instincts?" Minji shrugged, wondering why they did not know these basic knowledge.

"How do you guys even survive for this long?" She asked, only to receive scoffs.

"You are just being too cynical." Cheongsan said.

"We will have the hope of finding help if we get a phone. If we can call them, they would immediately come and save us." he added on while jumping on the window frame.

"Don't go, Cheongsan" Onjo stared at him.

"It's not so far away, if there really was a problem, I would come back, don't worry."

"I am not worrying about you, I am angry at you." Onjo responded firmly.

"Right, why would you worry about me." Cheongsan rolled his eyes sarcastically, still decided to go.

Then Suhyeok stood up and follow him. Minji shook her head and sighed.

"I am going too." Daesu said as he walked towards the window.

"STOP STOP COME DOWN!!" Joonyeong immediately stopped him.


"How are you going to climb with that body, fatso?!" Wujin said from behind.

"What's wrong with my body?"

"What do you think?" Joonyeong sighed.

Then Jungkook stood up. He was instantly pulled by Minji before he moved.

"Where you going?"

"I think having one more person to back up would be better—"

"You are not going anywhere."

"What if they face difficulties? Both of them can be quite idiotic sometimes." Jungkook smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Everything will be fine! Ay, Are you worrying about me?" Jungkook teased. Minji immediately rolled her eyes and let go.

"I'm not worrying, I just think this is stupid."

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