Silver: "Here you ho my little bundle of joy." She said happily. Star took the piece from her mother's hand and stuffed her face with it getting blueberry all over her mouth. Sliver chuckled at her pup while she ate the rest of the tart. 

Tullius: "So Lydia has anything changed with Max?" He asked hopefully. 

Lydia finished the last of her tart and looked over to her love that was lying motionless on the bed. 

Lydia: "No nothing yet." She said sadly. " I just wish he would wake up."

Tullius reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder. Lydia looked up and was met with his smiling face. 

Tullius: "Don't worry Lydia, I'm sure he will wake up any minute from  now." 

Lydia: "Yeah, I hope your right Tullius. But all this waiting is killing me." She said now frustrated. 

Rachel's POV

Rachel had finished her tart and, now had walked past the wolves and, climbed up on the bed. She got on her hands and knees then crawled over to her brother.  She was saddened to see her oldest brother laying motionless in the center of the bed. He looked peaceful at least lying against the pillow. and having the blankets laying on top of his chest. 

Rachel laid her head down on his chest and, listened to his heartbeat while her head went up and down from his breathing. 

Rachel: "Brother please wake up, I want my brother please." She said quietly

She looked at his face hoping to see his eyes open and a smile comes across his face when he sees her. But, sadly it didn't happen and Rachel laid her head back down on his chest. 

No one's POV 

Little did Rachel know Serena noticed her and pointed her out to the rest of them. All the wolves looked and awwed at the two humans. Just then there were several footsteps were heard coming from the stairway. 

It didn't take long for two more figures to enter the room and reveal themselves as Kai and Summer. 

Summer's POV

Summer: "Well good morning everyone how are you all today." 

Tullius: "We're good Summer." He happily. 

Serena: "Yes we just wanted to check up on Max and, bring them something to eat." She said holding up the basket. 

Kai seeing the remaining tarts reaches over and grabs one. Silver however gives him a death look. 

Silver: "Kai those are for Lydia and Max." She said angrily/sternly. 

Kai took a bite and smiled happily. He maoned happily while savoreing the bite. 

Kai: "Dang that is good. I might need a few more to satisfy me." He said eyeing the basket. 

 Silver walked over to the bed and gently placed Star down beside Rachel. 

Silver: "Can you please watch her for a second Rachel?" She asked kindly. 

Rachel: "Um sure aunt Silver." She said whil hugging Star to her chest. 

The young pup who still had blueberry on her mouth quickly smiled seeing her cousin and retuenered her hug. 

Silver smiled at the scene the stood up to her full height and, started to walk towards her mate. She walked up behind him, and lifting her hand back smacked him on the back of his head hard so hard the entire room was filled with the sound of her hand coliding with his head. 

Kai yelped in pain and recoiled his head while dropping his tart on the ground. Everyone was shocked at her actions espascalliy Kai. Who looked at her and said.

Kai: "Ow what was that for.?" He said rubbing his head. 

Sliver: "For taking their sweets." She said sternly. "You may be alpha but, that doesn't mean you get to just do or take whatever you want." She said pointing a finger at him. 

Summer, Serana, and Tullius were all trying their hardest to not burst out laughing. However, Rachel on the other hand saw the whole thing and burst out laughing. 

Rachel: "(Laughing) HAHAHAHA, anut Silver showed you who is boss uncle Kai." She said while laughing. 

Even Star was laughing at her parents thinking they were playing some kind of game.

Tullius and Serana, were still trying to hold in their laughter.  While Summer and Silver were now laughing slightly as Rachel and Star. 

Kai looked over at his neice and daughter and grew an evil smile on his face. 

Kai: " O you think that is funny." He said mischievous

Kai then darted to the bed being sure to be aware of Max and, before the girls could react he scooped both them up in his arms. 

Kai: "Well how about I give you something to laugh at." He then started to nuzzle the grils with his snout. 

The girls couldn't help but, laugh at the feeling of his wet nose touching them. 

Now at this point everyone were laughing at the adorable sight in front of them. Lydia on the other hand stopped laughing when she looked over and saw Max on the bed still sleeping. 

Lydia's POV

Lydia walked over to the bed and sat back down on it. She then reached over and placed a hand on Max's chest. 

Lydia: "I wish you were awake my love." She said letting out a sad sigh. "All I want is to show you how much I love you."  

She started to stand up when she felt a small movement under her hand. Her eyes went wide as she looked to Max. 

Lydia: "Baby!" She said excitedly. 

Now everyone looked over to her and Max. 

Lydia watched as Max's eyes squinted and started to slowly open. 

His eyes weakly opened up and glanced over to her. Once he saw her a smile grew on his face.

Max: "(Weakly) Hello my love." He barley said." 


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