"Thank you."

"I can spot a girl in trouble," Belle told her. "He... He seems really nice."

"It's... It's complicated."

David, Grace and Henry were sitting in a table booth. Jefferson and Nevaeh, both holding a twin, were at a table nearby.

David was looking at the contents of Henry's cup. "Is that coffee?"

Henry guiltily replied, "No."

"Trying to stay up, huh? Still worried about those nightmares? Well, don't be. 'Cause, when you go to sleep tonight, I'm going to be right in the next room. Now maybe, lose the java, and go grab a cocoa. Grace, why don't you get one as well." Henry and Grace left the booth and Albert Spencer sat across from David.

"Congratulations, Sheriff," Albert said. "Quite a celebration."

"What are you doing here?"

"You may have taken care of me in the old world, but, in this one, we get another go at each other."

"Whenever you're ready."

"It's a big moment for you, isn't it? On your way to getting your family and a friend back."

"Ah... Yeah, it must be hard for you. You know, watching good win."

Albert laughed. "Good? So sure of yourself. But I know the truth. You're still just a shepherd pretending to be a prince. You weren't fit to run the kingdom, and you sure as hell aren't fit to run this town."

"I think the people of Storybrooke might disagree with you."

"Today. But I'm going to see to it that they see things my way. That they see you for who you really are. By the time I'm done with you, you'll wish you'd killed me when you had the chance."

"The people of this town know who I really am. And they've seen me defeat you before. So, if you want to try and take me down, they'll see it again."


Granny and Ruby were working on a the walk-in refrigerator in the backroom when David walked in.

"Almost done," Granny said. "Let's finish clearing out those perishables."

"What the hell is this?" David asked.

"We're making a cage," Ruby replied. "Know anybody who might want thirty-eight frozen lasagnas?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I know," Granny stated. "Nobody would believe it if you told them my lasagnas was frozen."

"No. Why are you building a cage?"

"Tonight's the first full moon since the curse broke," Ruby explained. "It's the first night of Wolfstime."

"I thought you figured out how to control the wolf in you ages ago?"

"Yeah. But, thanks to the curse, I haven't turned in twenty-eight years. I might be rusty. I can't let what happened last time–what happened to Peter–happen to anyone else."

"What about your red hood? That could keep you from turning."

"If I had it. I've looked everywhere. I even went to Mr. Gold. It's not in town. I don't think it came over with the curse."

"Ruby, I know you. I trust you. Snow trusted you. I think Scarlet trusted you. Nevaeh trusts you. Wolfstime or not, you won't hurt anyone tonight."

"Maybe. But I can't afford to take any chances."


Snow White and Red Riding Hood were running through the forest from the Queen's men.

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