~ Professional killers were using us ~

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Season 4, episode 6

I wake up tied to a chair and two men in front of me with guns in their hands, "she's up" one smiles walking towards me and crouching down to look into my eyes, "do you know why you're here?"

"No but I guess you're going to tell me" I sigh with a eye roll.

"You seriously don't know?" The other chuckles grabbing a knife from a table beside him, he walks over to me and places the knife at my neck, "do you know what you are? And what you can do?"

"I know what I am" I answer, "not what I can do."

I stab one of the men with the knife that he threatened me with minutes before, I shove the other one to the ground and slit his throat. I stand in the centre off the room and look around, What the hell have I done?

I walk downstairs and the pack all just stare at me. "Good morning to you too" I scoff walking over to them, "So what are you plotting? What supernatural mystery's are in beacon hills today?" They all just look at each other. "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. Lips are sealed. I'm not the psychopath killer."

"But since your moment with Jenifer when she tried to kill you because you knew too much about the situation" Lydia trails off.

"And? We aren't dealing with dark druids Lydia" I smile, "If it's about Liam I'm his babysitter so I think in need to know or if it's about the deadpool I need to know. So I can watch out for assassins."

They all give each other weird looks, "Why would you need to watch out for assassins?" Stiles asks. Shit.

"So I can protect you guys" I lie.

I bet Scott knows I'm not lying, "Riley can I talk to you, Upstairs" Scott orders practically pushing me back up the stairs, "Why are you lying?"

"About what?" I shrug.

"About why you need to know about assassins."

"Because I think I'm on the deadpool."

"What? Why?"

"Because I asked deaton if he knew what a Demeter was and guess what, he knew."

"That's why you've been ignoring us all weekend."

"Because of what I am!"

"What are you?"

"Deaton told me a Demeter was a creature that can be controlled by other supernaturals. Basically if you glow your eyes at me it will put me to sleep and you would control me."

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know, but it is. Just don't tell them, please."

"They're gonna be suspicious if they see your name on the deadpool."

"I know but hopefully by then I have worked up the confidence to tell them."

I feel my phone vibrate when I look I see a message from Liam.

Liam: hey I'm going for a run wanna join me
Riley: sure be at my house in 10

"I'll see you later" I call walking out of the room and down the stairs. I go to grab the door handle behind me but someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see my brother standing there. How the hell did he get down here so fast?

"Yes Scott?" I sigh.

"Where are you going?" Scott asks.

"For a run with Liam" I answer.

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