~ Who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway ~

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Season 4, episode 5

Here we are back at school. Me Liam and his friend mason are in the school gym. The boys are working out while I'm sitting on the floor listening to music.

It's our lunch hour and since Liam tried to kill Scott I've been put on babysitting duty. Looks like Scott doesn't want me to have any fun.

Liams friend Mason is a nice kid but at the same time I think he's a little confused how I am hanging out with them. I mean I would be too if one of my best friends started hanging out with kids two years older just because they're on the lacrosse team and then a older girl is always around. He must think I'm some sort of pedo.

"You know how I keep reminding Garret to give back my hoodie" mason starts.

"Yea" Liam replies putting more weights onto the bar.

"Well, I remembered you said he lived in that housing development on Spaulding" Mason states, "So I went there and guess what? that housing development is still in development."

"So?" Liam questions.

"There are no houses yet" Mason rephrases, "So unless this dude lives in some backhoe, there's something he's not telling us, And then there's this other dude, he's been in acting really strange. Running to school for no reason. Disappearing at parties. Used to be my best friend. And apparently he was on steroids."

"What" Liam says.

"You're not actually going to try to lift that are you?" mason asks noticing how much weight is on the bar. I guess Liam is starting to like the werewolf strength. "Are you all right? Is it about the game tonight?"

Tonight is the first lacrosse game of the season. I'm pumped. "I'm fine. It's just a scrimmage" Liam shrugs.

"You know who your playing right?" mason questions.

I look at him as I missed the announcement so I'm intrigued. "Yeah" Liam responds "I mean. No I guess I missed the announcement."

"Me two, enlighten me" i smile.

"Liam it's your old school" mason states, "Devenford Prep." Shit. This isn't gonna end well.

Next thing you know I'm following behind Liam as he storms out of the gym leaving mason behind, I don't know if Liam is gonna wolf-out. So I follow just in case.

Liam goes to the boys locker room. I go inside and he throws his bag down. "Hey Liam are you okay?" I ask walking in.

"Yea I'm good" he replies in a temper, something then catches his eyes "where's my stick?"

"I'll help you look" i state. He hasn't wolfed-out thank god.

I hear the door open from behind. Liam looks at me before we walks around the corner, to reveal someone Liam hasn't met yet, but I have. He's holding Liam's stick. "So is this yours?" he questions and he snaps it in half. Liam looks up and shows his glowing eyes.

Shit. The man standing in front of us tilts his head to say that's cute.Liam charges, the man grabs his throat and pins him to the lockers. If you haven't already guessed yes it is Derek.

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