~ Who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway ~

Start from the beginning

"Liam" I hear my brothers voice from behind.

"Your right. He is angry" Derek smirks still holding Liam against the lockers. He let's go.

Scott holds out his stick, Derek didn't snap Liam's stick. "This ones yours" Scott tells him throwing it at Liam. Liam turns to Derek. "Get to class Liam" Scott orders. Liam walks out of the locker room.

Derek is smiling at Scott. I've never seen him smile. "What are you smiling at?" Scott asks.

"Your gonna be good at this" Derek replies. Derek hale being nice. Is he okay? Should I ask? Shall I call a medic?

"Are you kidding? I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things" Scott scoffs, "I think right now I could use a full on training manual."

"I'll tell you one thing. That anger he's got. It'll make him stronger" Derek states.

"And dangerous" Scott adds.

"Very. But you've looked after her your whole life. So it isn't much harder with that kid" Derek chuckles looking at me.

"Wow Derek" I scoff.

"This was supposed to be the semester I could focus on school again" Scott sighs sitting down on a bench. Derek sits beside him, "But Kate's back. I've got a beta and there's a dead pool."

"If all our names are on that list. That's what we should be focused on" Derek tells him, "do you think Lydia can get that second key?"

"She's working on it" I state. 

"What are you doing here ry?" Scott asks turning to me, "and I'm not gonna say it's the boys locker room cause that has never stopped you before."

"It has never stopped me before" I smile, "Anyways I was in the gym doing my babysitter duty and Liam found out that devenford prep is gonna be here tonight for the lacrosse game and stormed out so I followed to make sure he didn't go wolf and attack or worse kill someone that could have been you. But then he showed up" I point to Derek, "Which scared him. And that leads to now practically. Well I've got to get to class but I'll see you later Scott. Derek."

I am in economics class. Scott next to stiles, me behind Scott. Stiles is looking at the pictures from the latest murder, Carrie Hudson.

"Economic disparity. Exists in all forms. Well take sports for example" coach explains waving a lacrosse stick in the air "some teams have better training facilities. Some have better equipment. Unlike beacon hills that can barely afford the duct tape to keep our equipment together" coach look over at stiles. Oh this is gonna be interesting. Coach taps the lacrosse stick on the desk in front of stiles causing stiles to him. "Stilinski." Coach picks up a image, "if I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an A plus student."

"Thanks coach" stiles smiles.

"Put those pictures away" coach orders walking away.

Stiles grabs the end of the lacrosse stick coach is holding. "Stilinski" coach tugs on the stick. Stiles pulls the cap off the bottom of the stick and looks down the metal tube and then back at the picture. "What the hell is wrong with you?" coach scoffs getting the stick out of stiles' grip.

Me and Scott look at stiles. I know he has figured something out. "It's a lacrosse player." Stiles tells us.

"The killers on the team" Scott realises.

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