Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen

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"Yeah, hey everyone chads riding a chopper." Said upside down girl.

"There he is now, HEY CHAD." Vince waved at someone, makeing everyone turn around and see a cool guy on a motorcycle. However everyone was disappointed as the motorcycle guy rode out of the way revealing a nerdy guy behind him.

"Hey vinny, come on, I'm gonna be late for chess club." Said Chad.

"Coming Chad. See ya later guys, I gotta go hang with my cool big brother Chad." Vince waved at his friends before leaving and jumped into the side cart of chads bike, before they rode away squeaking the horn.

"That's Chad?" Asked Gus unsure about what to make of him as everyone had said he was a cool kid.

"He seemed so much bigger before." Said TJ.

"And so much cooler too." Said Ashley A.

"Why, he's nothing but a nerd." Said king Bob before he signed. "I'm so depressed."

With that everyone started to leave, all feeling very disappointed about seeing Chad again. "Actually, when you think about it, it all makes sense. I mean what self respecting fifth grader would wanna hang around with us when we were in kindergarten." Gretchen said making a good point. "Sure, he seemed like the Uber Chad back then, but now..."

"He's a total dork." Spinelli finished Gretchen's sentence.

"Poor Vince, he doesn't even know." Said Mikey.

"Yeah and think about how he's gonna take it when he finds out." Said TJ.

"Do we have to tell him? I mean it might hurt his feelings, knowing his big brother is a massive dork." Said Dede not wanting to hurt her friend.

"We need to tell him De, it's for his own good." Said Spinelli knowing that Dede didn't want to ruin Vince's image of Chad.

"You right, best he finds out from us then someone else later on, can we at least break it to him lightly." Dede signed as the others agreed with her, however it didn't go as planned, as the next day at recess when they all told him that Chad was a geek he just laughed at them.

"Chad? A geek? That's justrich, that's really rich." Vince laughed, not believing a single word that was said.

"Vince, take it from someone who knows." Gretchen gestures to herself. "Your brother is definitely a geek."

"Come on, Chad's way cool. He can burp the whole alphabet."

"Look Vince, what's the thing your brother wears in his pocket?" Asked TJ.

"Pocket protector." Said Vince still unconvinced while the other just looked at him slightly annoyed that he wasn't listening to them. "He doesn't wanna get ink on his shirt."

"Okay the , what's that stuff he wraps around his glasses?" Asked Spinelli.

"Tape." Vince flights back. "They break all the time."

"That's kind of a classic sign." Said Dede looking away from Vince.

"Well you'd all break your glasses too if you have baseballs flying at you at top speed."

"You mean chads on the baseball team?" Said Spinelli.

"Sure, he's the greatest score keeper they've ever had."

"I rest my case." Said Gretchen.

"Oh come on you guys, my big brother Chad is not a geek. I'll see you guys later, I've gotta go pick up Chad's turtle from the vet."

"Stage one; denial."

The next day Vince went up to his friends and explained that he now understood what they were all trying to tell him yesterday. "Hey come on Vince, it's not the end of the world." Said Mikey trying to cheer Vince up.

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