Chapter 12 : What Will Change ?

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Again as their daily lives , Mingyu is driving towards their campus building , dropping Wonwoo to his class . As Wonwoo's feet reached the ground , people's eyes start to stare him . Some are whispering to each other , probably about the news . Mingyu parks his car and notices people staring at Wonwoo . He speeds up anything he's doing and jogged a little towards his boyfriend , who is a little bit uncomfortable walking alone . He hugs Wonwoo's shoulder and whispers some comforting words to the boy . Wonwoo was a bit surprised , but he is now a bit more confident thanks to Mingyu .

"Final year student , Jeon Wonwoo , please come to the principle's office this instant ." A loud voice from the speakers echoed through every students' ears .

"Gyu-ah ." Wonwoo calls .

"Yes ?"

"Can you follow me ?"

"Anything for you okay . Come on let's go ."

Mingyu follows Wonwoo's lead since he's never been to the office before , so he's pretty much depending on Wonwoo to take him there . As they walk their way , everyone who's around them keep saying bad things to Wonwoo such as 'a murdered' or a criminal , and everything else . Wonwoo held back his tears with Mingyu's support , who's fighting for Wonwoo , as Wonwoo fought for his . Juniors don't even respect them as they think Wonwoo killed them on purpose , but all of this happened because Wonwoo didn't get to justify or state anything for the incident . Without Wonwoo even having a chance to explain , people make assumptions . That's the world everyone lives in , the world where everyone would just assume something without listening to the actual explanations . Few minutes walking , they reached the office , entering it after getting permission . As they entered , they see a lot of cameras everywhere . Some of them are labeled with news channel logos , meaning these are the news .

"Wonwoo . Come closer ." Dekan Adams called . Yes , he's still the Dekan there .

"S-Sure ." Wonwoo steps forward , followed by Mingyu who's being cautious .

"Do you want to have Mingyu here ?" He points at Mingyu .

"I don't want him ." Mingyu frowns while looking at Wonwoo . "I need him . He's my life ." From frowning to smiling , Mingyu's emotion changed .

"Very well . Anyways , straight to the point I asked you to come here so that we can have a justification . The news and the court as well as the police departments wants explanation on your actions . Have a seat if you want to ." Dekan Adams hands his hand out . Wonwoo takes a seat before saying anything .

"So , I'm hereby stating that I did what I did only to save my friend , or more clearly , my own boyfriend ."

"Can you tell us in detail of the situation ? Mingyu's perspective has a lot of missing parts ." Dekan Adams pointed out .

"Starting off , I apologize if I wasn't detailed enough . It was a normal day of us , going to class like normal . I dragged Mingyu towards the convenience store as of wanting to quench my thirst . We took the back route since it's faster and shorter, and Mingyu wanted to stay back , leaving me to get the stuffs needed . When I came back a few minutes later , I couldn't find Mingyu as he's missing . At first I thought he went to the toilet , but things started going left as I see his bag is on the floor . I looked everywhere and thought for a second where he could've been . That's when I remembered about the company that sent a few spies into this university , and I knew they took Mingyu . And it was confirmed as I received a phone call saying they have Mingyu , and they won't let him go until his dad's company gave up his business to theirs ." Mingyu hands Wonwoo a bottle of water for him to drink . Wonwoo grabbed it , took a couple sips and went back to explaining . "I rushed off to the destination with Mingyu's car . When I got there , it's a warehouse . I entered and got knocked out from behind . As I opened my eyes , Mingyu is almost completely naked on a chair , tied up . Standing in front of me was 10 guys , 5 on each side . Then a woman , the same woman who called me came up to Mingyu , and started to , let's just say , do what a hoe would do at a random man in a club . Except she's doing it to my man ."

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