Wonwoo's Trauma

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"You're coming with us ."

As Wonwoo was going home from school , something he feared most happened . School ended late as he had meeting with the archery club , and extra classes were another cause . He's the only one there , waiting for the bus while the others had already gone home with their parents or guardians . He was sitting at the bus stop , reading a book waiting for the bus to come . He was a bit scared as the bus was strangely late that day . He positions his hand inside his uniform , ready to grab a blade from his uniform which has a jacket , altered by his mother to fit some defensive weapons . He did try calling his mom , but no answers came , probably because his parents were out running errands . He decided to take out his journal and wrote something . But as he takes it out , a black van pulls up in front of him . His instinct told him to be aware , but he was caught off guard as his mouth was covered from behind , while the others went out of the van and knocked him unconscious . After a bit , he woke up , barely getting to open his eyes . He cracked it slighly open and looked up , realizing he was laid down on the van's floor , hearing some guys near him talk about how much money they wanted Wonwoo's parents to pay . Wonwoo realized now that he's going to be held hostage , and his parents had to pay to get him out . He's silent for now , even though his mouth wasn't covered , he kept silence and decided to not do any obvious action , quietly planning his actions . One of the dudes kicked him lightly a few times , trying to wake the poor boy up .

"Wake up idiot ." The man stomped on his stomach , instantly making Wonwoo cough . He continued coughing as the guy grabbed a full hand of black hair and pulled Wonwoo up .

"Surprised you're not crying ." The guy threw Wonwoo back towards the driver's seat .

"The fuck is going on back there ?" The driver said . Wonwoo didn't say or do anything as he was still planning his actions .

As the rain pours down heavily , they reached the destination , which is a small warehouse , an abandoned one . Wonwoo who was only fifteen at the time , got his head covered by something . He got kicked and was forced to walk . He hears some metal bars clanging with each other and some chains being dragged on the floor . The thing covering his head was taken off , revealing a small prison . Wonwoo was kicked inside , instantly being locked . The chain is wrapped around the bars having a lock on it . The guys laughed as they threw a bucket of water at him , making Wonwoo cold . It was extremely cold outside , with the cold water splattered all over him and an open window blowing cold air , he starts shivering . Around 30 minutes of tally counting by Wonwoo , the lights were shut off . He pretended to pass out , and the kidnappers believed it . As the lights were shut off , he hears them saying one of them is going to guard Wonwoo while the others are going to be asleep . The guy guarding Wonwoo put a chair right by the cell , sitting on it , putting a gun down on the floor . Less than five minutes later , he heard some snoring , and it's from the guy guarding him . He takes off his jacket uniform and searched all around it finding his mother's specially designed pockets filled with defensive gears . He slid his hand around the sleeve and found a phone . It's a phone Wonwoo's uncle altered to blend in with the lighting , this way no one can see him using it even in the dark as the color is not visible to others but only to Wonwoo's glasses , perfectly made by his own father . He texted his other uncle , which is a head seargant at a police department . The policement there was trained precisely with silenced guns and sniper rifles , which is why Wonwoo thought of his uncle first . He texted his parents next . He always turned on 'find my iPhone' on his parent's phone , so his parents knew where he were . Downside was , it's an almost 3 hour drive and the road here is really rocky and uneven . Luckily his uncle's office is quite near , but still a 1 hour drive . Wonwoo took matters into his own hand and started working . As he's always planned , he searched through his bag , muting any sound he's making . Throughout his life , silence is always the path he takes as people would say things and make fun of him .

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