Chapter 4 : A Question

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Wonwoo and Mingyu is sitting together , watching a movie in their dorm room . Mingyu is coughing here and there while Wonwoo is sniffling his nose , both worrying about each other . There's a lot of used tissues living rent free on Wonwoo's bed , showing how much Wonwoo has been sniffling his nose for the past hour .

While they were watching , a scene about the heroine and hero getting married pops up . Wonwoo lays back his head onto Mingyu's shoulder , staring at Mingyu . Mingyu looks back and kisses him softly . Wonwoo takes a sip of water that he put at the side .

"When will we get married ?" Mingyu asks out of the blue , making Wonwoo choke on his water and starts coughing . Mingyu just laughed while patting Wonwoo's back .

"Pardon ?" Wonwoo asks .

"Just asking . When will we ?" Mingyu asks again , this time without water in Wonwoo's mouth for him to choke on .

"My mom said she's fine with anyone I want to marry , just to be sure , she said I should get married whener I'm ready ."

"Well then , I'll wait . I know you're not ready , and we're still young . It's wrong for me to ask such a question sorry ."

"It's ok if you're asking it . It's just a little bit overwhelming , for our age . But anyways , back to the movie ?"

"Not sure . Shouldn't we go do something ? Be active and not stay like this ." Mingyu suggests .

"Sure . But what do we do ?"

"I'm probably going soccer with my friends later . Wanna join ?"

"Maybe ." As he finishes his sentence , Wonwoo's phone rang . He picks up and put in on speaker , too lazy to read the contact name .

"Yow Wonwoo , I got some great news for you !" Said a familiar high pitched voice , or his brother Seokmin .

"What is it ?"

"I got some connections and managed to cable you a way to join archery . You've been talking about it ever since you got into here right ? Now's your time to seize it ."

"For real ? Awesome !"

"Come down to the field . The archery club manager wants to see you and your skills ." Seokmin said .

"Be there in roughly 8 minutes . Bye !" Wonwoo hangs up and got up to get ready , followed by Mingyu .

Wonwoo wore one of Mingyu's shirt , while Mingyu just watches Wonwoo go through his collection of clothes which barely has anything good . Wonwoo takes a white t shirt and puts it on , while Mingyu got a white sleeveless .

They both walked down towards the field , holding hands . Mingyu let go and wrapped his hand around Wonwoo , smiling from ear to ear . As they were walking , Mingyu started a little chit chat with Wonwoo .

"Woo-ah "

"Yes ?" Wonwoo looks at Mingyu .

"Do you think we'll last , until like marriage ?"

"Hopefully we will . Pray for it ."

"When we're married soon , how much children would you like to have ?" Mingyu shakes Wonwoo's shoulder while laughing . 

"Two maybe ? Three . Let's settle with three . My mom wanted grandsons so can you live with three boys ?" Wonwoo smiles .

"Make it three kids and a big baby . But yeah sure , anything for my little campfire . What do we name them ?" Mingyu kisses Wonwoo's cheek , slowly scratching Wonwoo's neck , which to Wonwoo is soothing for him .

"The oldest hmm maybe... Minshik ? Second named Woojin . Third uhm maybe uhm... You know what you decide ."

"Well then I want the youngest to be named Jinwoo . Or , we could just name him after you ."

"Not sure about that . Who's surname are we going to use for them ?"

"Mine I guess ?"

"Hmm , Kim Minshik , Kim Woojin and Kim Jinwoo . Perfect actually !" Wonwoo smiles at Mingyu , while Mingyu is smiling back at him with adoration .

"Why are we even speaking about this stuff we're still in freshmen year ." Mingyu laughs , followed by Wonwoo . "I love that nose scrunch though . Keep on doing it for me please ?"

"I sure will . It's a habit anyways , it happens if I'm laughing or smiling ."

"It's cute . Added with the cute face you have , it's just a million times better ."

Wonwoo just throws a small swing at Mingyu's chest . They didn't realize that they've been talking for a long time , just realizing how far the dormitory is from the field . Seokmin sees them both and ran towards them .

"Yow Wonwoo , right on time ey ?" Seokmin takes a look at his watch , realizing it's precisely 8 minutes since he got off the phone with Wonwoo .

"I'm a man of my words ."

"But you're a baby in my world ." Mingyu interferes . He runs away as far as he could while Wonwoo just chases him like a small child .Seokmin just watches while shaking his head . They both came back to Seokmin after 3 minutes if pointless donut chasing .

"Come I'll introduce you to our teacher and our club's manager ." Seokmin guides Wonwoo towards the archery section of the field .

Mingyu just watches Wonwoo walk away while smiling . Suddenly a soccer ball came flying to his head , knocking him down . He got over the pain , his anger just wants to know who did it . He looks at the ball and recognizes a familiar sloppy handwriting , and it writes "Xu Minghao" . He looks forward and sees the boy running towards him , laughing along the way . Mingyu takes the ball , stood up and kicked it right back at Minghao's face . Jun just laughs without any sign of helping , while his boyfriend just comes at him rubbing his face , burying his face in Jun's chest .

"You wanna play let's play !" Mingyu yells while running into the soccer field , ready to put on a game . He starts running , dribling and scoring the ball , giving his team a lead . Throughout the game he's just a bit distracted by his small talk with Wonwoo earlier , happy about Wonwoo tolerating having kids and playing around with his jokes . Just one thing that he's been questioning , will Wonwoo's parent accept him ? Will Wonwoo give him his hand ? Will Wonwoo's hands open to carry their children soon ? And , will he say yes ?

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