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And there stood Jiu looking at the scene stunned, impressed by the little shame that her best friend had just had, would Siyeon like this girl? She wondered, but quickly put it out of her mind because she knew that if that was the case she would have already told her as she does with everything.

-Hey, I want my kiss too

She said unconsciously from the effects of alcohol making Siyeon break away from Yoohyeon and walk towards her realizing what she just said.

I WAS JOKING I WAS JOKING! -she shouted and ran away with Siyeon behind her making kissing noises while Yoohyeon froze in place trying to analyze what had happened.

Siyeon managed to catch Jiu and kissed her all over her face while she tried to run away, after all that commotion they calmed down, Yoohyeon was still a little bit out of place but they continued playing for a while until....

-Yoohyeon truth or dare?

-I dare-she said without looking at Siyeon because she was still embarrassed by the kiss.

-Oh but look at me, I already told you that you don't have to be embarrassed, we are friends.

Yoohyeon knew it, she knew it was all a game but she was too shy even if she was drunk, which she wasn't that drunk either.

-Well let's see, dare.... Spin the bottle and whoever it points to, you have to do a lap dance.... I'm starting to like this game

-What!-shouted Yoohyeon.

-You can always not do it-said Jiu shrugging his shoulders.

-After what happened, I don't lose anything by not doing it-she said with a nervous chuckle and turned the bottle over.

When they saw who it was Siyeon almost screamed with excitement, while Jiu and Yoohyeon looked at each other. Even Siyeon swore she noticed that her best friend had blushed a little.

-I choose the song-said Siyeon excitedly.

At the deep, she dhip those two, she had never seen her friend so open and even friendly with someone who wasn't her closest environment.

-What exactly do I have to do?

-You have to dance sensually to Jiu unnie.

Yoohyeon's face couldn't have been redder at that moment.

-I still say that if you don't want to do it, you can have 5 drinks-said Jiu as if it was nothing even though deep down she felt her heart racing even though she said to herself that it would be because of the alcohol.

Yoohyeon slowly denied and Jiu shrugged indifferently sitting on a chair.

-When the song starts, the lap dance begins-said Siyeon and Yoohyeon nodded as she took off her jacket.

The song that Siyeon had chosen was Body party by Ciara, when it started to play Yoohyeon made Jiu spread her legs to position herself between her swords.

She then lifted her hair in a sensual way (like Jiu does in  scream part) and made a hip movement that made Jiu swallow saliva hard. She had to admit that Yoohyeon wasn't bad at all and she had a body worth admitting and added to that she was tall, the perfect combo.

At that moment Yoohyeon turned to look at her and this time she made her close her legs a little bit sitting on them and Jiu inertia held her by her hips, which began to move slowly.


Jiu opened her eyes in confusion and immediately regretted it because a terrible headache made her close them tightly again.

She didn't understand anything, wasn't she supposed to be with Yoohyeon on top of her dancing sensually a few minutes ago? And why was she on the couch?

At that moment Jiu heard another scream coming from her and confused she got up trying to endure the headache and guided by the screams she came to the kitchen.

The first thing she saw was a frying pan on fire and Siyeon and Yoohyeon trying to put out the fire with a wet cloth.

MAY I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??-Jiu shouted, causing the other two to freak out and scream as well.


Jiu rolled her eyes and ran to get a fire extinguisher which she sprayed on the frying pan and in a few seconds there was no trace of the fire.

-I wonder why you let this idiot cook-she said to Yoohyeon, referring to Siyeon.

-I didn't know this was going to happen.

-Hey, this tie it was an accident.

-Yes? Like the last time you burned the bread?-Jiu replied sarcastically making Siyeon pretend to be offended.

-That was 5 years ago and it was also an accident.

-Yes, and that's why you never helped your mother cook again.

-By the way, can someone explain to me what happened last night?

-After Yoohyeon's challenge we stopped playing and watched some movies where you were practically screaming until they were over.

Jiu looked at her with a confused frown.

-So it was all a dream-she said looking at Yoohyeon.

-What do you mean? What dream?-asked a confused Siyeon.

-Ah, no, nothing, it's just that I had a weird dream, I honestly don't know why I had that dream.

It wasn't the first time I dreamt about Yoohyeon, but I had never dreamt something like that....

Like that, it was probably because I was drunk. Thought

-But what did you dream unnie?-asked Yoohyeon now intrigued.

-It's nothing important, just a stupid thing-she said without giving it importance, clearly she wouldn't tell him that she had dreamt that she had a lap dance-By the way what time is it?

-Two o'clock in the afternoon-said Siyeon-We were making something to eat when the frying pan started to burn.

Things Of Destiny (Jiyoo) English VerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora