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-SIYEONN? SIYEONN?!? I just told your mother that you were fine and now you tell me that you are on your way to the hospital- she said into the phone knowing that her friend could no longer hear her.

Jiu tried to call Siyeon a couple of times but it was impossible, she didn't answer the phone.

-Yeji! Can you come over- she called her secretary.

-What's wrong, Miss Kim?

-Miss Lee just called me and said she was on her way to the hospital.

-Is she okay?

-Well, I don't know - she let out a sigh- She just said that and then hung up on me, I don't even know which hospital she's headed to.

-Oh, I hope Ms. Lee is well.

Jiu didn't answer her and just nodded his head and then put on her jacket and left her office.

-Miss Kim, could you...?

-Not now Hongseok, ask Yeji- she said curtly.

That boy wanted to have something with her and Jiu knew it. From the first moment she stepped into the office for the first time after the death of her parents she noticed it, the boy didn't stop looking at her during the whole presentation and she always wanted to buy him a coffee or something, but for that she had her best friend.

The boy had ugly numbers but Jiu did not want anything with anyone, besides being a cold person was not very romantic.

-Let's see Jiu, think, to which hospital could they have taken her? - she said as she went down the elevator on her way to the garage where her car was parked- Of course, why didn't I think of that before?

Jiu remembered that she had forced Siyeon to accept the iPhone she gave her for her birthday and that she could track her from her own iPhone. Within seconds she got the location and went as fast as she could.


-Are you a relative or acquaintance of the girl?

They had just arrived at the hospital a few minutes ago and Siyeon was answering some questions the doctor was asking.

-No doctor, but I know her by sight, I have spoken to her a couple of times- she said a little embarrassed.

-Is she all right, do you know her name?

-If I remember correctly, her name is Yoohyeon, but I don't know anything else.

-Can you explain to me what happened?

-Well, I looked, and I was walking when suddenly I heard a scream and when I turned around I saw a man cornering her against the wall, I told her I would call the police and she ran away and when I approached to see if she was okay she fainted.

-Well, we are going to do some tests, we will try to contact her parents once she wakes up, if you want you can leave.

-I prefer to wait until she wakes up

-As you wish, but please wait outside.

-All right, thank you very much doctor

During the drive to the hospital, Jiu debated whether or not to call Siyeon's mother to tell her that her daughter had called and told him that she was going to the hospital, she didn't want to worry her. When she arrived, she parked the car and got out as fast as he could and ran to the entrance.

-How can I help you?-replied the girl at the front desk when she saw Jiu running in.

-I am looking for Lee Siyeon.

-Please wait a moment.

Jiu was starting to get anxious as she was worried.

-I'm sorry, miss, we don't have any patients with that name.

When the girl said that, it totally threw her off, did they steal her phone? Jiu didn't think her phone would fail.

-Are you sure a girl didn't come here? .... wait, I'll show you a picture of her.

-Oh, yes, I saw her came a few minutes ago but she wasn't the one who was bad.

Jiu frowned at what he had said, suddenly she didn't understand anything.

-What do you mean it wasn't her? Well I don't care, can you tell me where she went?

-Down that corridor to the right

Jiu didn't bother to answer and ran to where the girl had said, after walking down the corridor for a while she saw Siyeon in the distance.

-Lee Siyeon!"- she said a bit angry after seeing that nothing bad had happened to her friend.

-Unnie, don't yell, we are in a hospital.

-I don't care where we are, can you explain to me why when I called you you told me you were on your way here and then hung up on me?! I thought something happened to you asshole!

Siyeon knew that Jiu was angry and that scared her.

-Sorry Unnie, I just remembered that I didn't have much battery, by the way, how did you find me?

Jiu let out a heavy sigh and tried to relax a little, hopefully she hadn't decided to call her mother, the only thing she would have achieved was to give her a silly upset.

-Siyeon, I remind you that you have an iPhone now, I can find out where you are.

-Oh, that's right, I forgot about that.

-Now can you explain to me what the hell you're doing here and why you made me come running here thinking something happened to you?


-Miss, the girl is awake now, you can come in if you want to.

Said the doctor interrupting Siyeon making Jiu look at her in confusion. What girl? Jiu asked herself.

-Come with me unnie

Said Siyeon practically dragging Jiu behind her into the room.

-But Siyeon can you explain to me...- she said until she saw who "the girl" was -Okay, I don't understand anything.

When Yoohyeon heard the older girl's voice she raised her head towards them and looked at them with her mouth open not knowing what to say.


-Miss, this girl here is the one who brought you here, the other one just arrived, do you know her?

-Eh...I... I...

-You don't know us by sight only

-Well, I'll leave you two to talk, the test results will be back soon.

Said the doctor and then walked out the door leaving the 3 girls alone.

Things Of Destiny (Jiyoo) English VerWhere stories live. Discover now