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A month had passed since what happened at the karaoke bar, Siyeon and Jiu didn't talk about it again, or rather Siyeon didn't bring it up again, although deep down she was worried about it.

Both of them were doing some paperwork until Jiu felt like a coffee so she called Siyeon to see if she could bring one for her.

-Hey singnie, can you go buy some coffee please?

-Sure, I'll be right there.

Siyeon got up from the chair next to Jiu and went on her way to get the coffee, she did nothing else in the company but help Jiu in any way she could, Siyeon was not really a business major, on the contrary, she was never good with numbers, just like Jiu, Siyeon belonged to the art world, but in her economic situation she could not perfect her artistic techniques.

Siyeon was born with a gift for singing, she learned on her own with a little help from Jiu, but she was quite lost when it came to dancing.

When she started working with Jiu at the company Siyeon refused to get paid, she just wanted to help her friend just as she had helped her friend, she knew that if she was left alone with the whole company Jiu was likely to fall into depression.

The store was not very far from the company so Siyeon preferred to walk, she was walking calmly when suddenly she heard a shout to her left, where there was an alley.

-Let go of me please!

-Come on, beauty , come with me, we'll have a good time!

Siyeon stood still but didn't hesitate a moment to react to the situation.

-Hey asshole, do you want me to call the police?

Hearing Siyeon's voice, the man looked at her and immediately ran away, which allowed him to get closer to the girl.

-Are you okay? Did he do something to you?

-N...No, I'm fine

When Siyeon realized who it was, she was shocked.

-Hey, you weren't the girl from the karaoke? Yoohyeon right?

The other girl tried to answer but suddenly fell unconscious in Siyeon's arms who was holding her to prevent her from falling to the ground and suffering a hard blow.

*Minjis oficine*

-Mrs. Lee, I was calling to ask you something.

-Oh, Minji, yes, tell me what's wrong? Is Siyeon all right?

-Yes, I just sent her to get a coffee, so I took the opportunity to call her and ask her. Does your husband happen to know anything about companies?

-Yes...he does, why do you ask? By the way, I've told you a thousand times that you can call me unnie.

-I had thought that instead of Siyeon he could be the one to help me, so that Siyeon could dedicate more time to follow his dream.

-Minji, you know we will always be grateful for what you do for us, but I feel it would be an abuse for you to pay me and my husband.

-Unnie, it's the least I can do, you know that I consider you more like a mother than the one who was my real mother.

-Well... I'll have to ask my husband if he remembers anything. When you get home I'll tell you.

-By the way unnie, I had thought of something else, how about you and your husband coming to live with me, so you wouldn't have to pay any expenses?

-Oh no, no, that's already too much Minji, we don't want to abuse you like that.

-I know, it's just that I feel a little lonely... the house is too empty...

-If you want Siyeon can stay with you as many times as you want.

-It's ok unnie

After so many years, Jiu had gotten used to the loneliness, especially when Siyeon couldn't visit her because she had classes, unlike her, Jiu had classes in the afternoon and Siyeon in the morning, since Siyeon went to a school and Jiu studied at home, which meant that there were times when she couldn't see her for a few days or only on weekends.

After the death of her parents and the fact that she no longer needed so many maids, the house felt more and more empty, a huge villa for only one person.

Jiu noticed that Siyeon was taking too long to arrive with the coffee.

-Hey Singnie, what's taking you so long?

-Sorry unnie, I am on my way to the hospital.


There was no answer because Siyeon had cut off the call, leaving Jiu worried.

Things Of Destiny (Jiyoo) English VerWhere stories live. Discover now