George tightly grasped the phone- Dream was removing him off the team?! After all that work.
"Your a fucking asshole, I hope you know that." He snapped again.

'George- this is for your own goo-' Dream was cut off again.

"I spent 3 months Dream! Three fucking months! Training just so I could prove I could be worth something on the team!" George growled into the phone.
"And you kick me off the team?! Like this?!"

Zuma looked up confused.
"Mama?" He tugged on his sleeve, removing his hands from his ears.

"I'm sorry zuma- I'm on the phone right now.. can you wait in your room..?" George spoke softly, moving the phone away from him.
"We can watch a movie after."

Zuma nodded, making his way off the bed and towards his room.

'Zumas awake too I'm gues-'

"Don't- stop changing the subject." George looked at his phone.
"If you didn't want me on the team- you should have told me to my face" he got back to the subject.

'George- please stop getting mad, I'm just trying to-'

"Protect me- I know, I've heard that like 9 fucking times." George squeezed the phone.
"I just want a fucking mate that is here and not off doing work half the fucking time."

'George I'm trying my harde-'

"Yeah? If you were trying your hardest why have you barely been here-" George looked down at the covers, leaning against the bed-frame.

'George- I've been there most of the time-' Dream kept a soft yet firm tone.

"No you haven't." George felt tears well his eyes.
"You rarely have... I'm just some object you keep on stand by, you come to me when your bored or not busy."

'George- your not an object- nor are you something I keep on standby.' Dream adjusted himself.
'I'm trying to get my work done George so I can return back'

"Whatever.. I'm hanging up, I don't even care for when you return..." George held the phone away from him.
"God knows how long you will be." He hung up the phone before Dream could speak.

George stared at his phone for few moments- until Dream started calling him again.
"Tch-" he threw his phone into his closet so he wouldn't have to deal with him.

George stared at the closet- until he began to cry.

.:Dream POV :.

Dream clutched the phone-
"Pick up the god dam phone George-" he called again-

And again....

And again....

He wasn't going to leave terms on the phone like that- he needed to talk to George.

Dream called at least 5 or 6 more times until he gave up.
"FUCK." He pinched the bridge of his nose, dropping his phone on his desk.

He had to take George off his team... he kept getting way too hurt... and he couldn't stand him to be in pain, especially if he has a pup on the way..

The alpha rested his head on his desk- grumbling.

"He better pick up his dam phone soon." Dream muttered under his breath... he needed to tell George that he wasn't an object and that he cared for him genuinely.....

He just doesn't know how long he will be stuck in this office for.

.: George POV :.

"Why do I even bother with him anymore.." George rubbed his eyes, sniffling.
"He's rarely even around anymore without doing his work..."

Sure- a little work is fine... but being gone for days to months on end is just not okay.. he had a kid.

"I should have just stayed in my apartment that night." George winced, rubbing his eyes.

"Mama..?" Zuma peaked from the side of the bed.
"Sad..?" He mumbled quietly.

"Just a little zuma- I'm okay." George softly smiled.. he takes back what he said about the apartment, he's glad he stayed.. because then he has zuma.
"Now- let's watch a movie shall we?"

Zuma gasped, crawling onto the bed.
"Yay!" He moved himself next to george.

"Im just going to go get changed, alright zuma..?" George rubbed his eyes before getting off the bed.
"I'll only be a minute." He hummed.

"Can I get bunny and wolfy..?" Zuma played with his hands, looking over a George.
"I miss them.."

George nodded and smiled.
"Of course honey." He made his way towards the closet.

George walked into the closet, taking off his old masquerade outfit before putting on shorts and a tshirt....

But before he left- he heard his phone go off.... Oh my god, he's still calling.

"Oh my god, is he still calling me." George turned around, reaching down and picking up his phone, clicking accept.

'JESUS CHRIST GEORGE, I Thought something happened!' George could hear the panic in dreams voice.
'Don't do that!'

"I was talking to zuma." George firmly said, looking over at his room.
"We are watching a movie." He cussed under his breath.

'George- please listen to me when I say that you aren't a Side object I keep around... you are my mate and I love you a lot-' Dream spoke in a relaxing tone.

"Then why do you work so much." George
Mumbled, clutching his phone.
"That's all you do..."

'I'm trying to finish all my work up so I can spend these next few months with you until your ready to have the pup..' you could hear Dream scribble down on a piece of paper- genuinely trying.
'I can try and be home this weekend- I need to settle things with black rose... they have been trying too-'

"I don't want to know.." George mumbled.
"Promise you'll be home soon..?" He watched as zuma struggled to pull himself on the bed.

' as soon as I get the chance to go, I'll take it..' Dream smiled, holding the phone.
'I love you a lot George- and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before.'

"I love you too... just- be home quick.." George move the phone away, hanging up.
"Alright zuma, let's watch our movie."

.: George and zuma POV :.

George sat on the bed, with zuma sitting on his lap.

Zuma sat happily, watching the tv.
"Happy!" He smiled, hugging his plushies.

"I'm happy too zuma." George nuzzled the top of zumas head, sighing.
"I'm sorry that your dad is being a pain right now."

"Where is daddy?" Zuma looked up at George, whining.

"He's working right now- he will be home on the weekend." George rubbed zumas cheek.
"We just need to play the waiting game."

Total word count:1700

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum