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y/n pov

i woke up in the back of ricks ship. he was driving and morty was in the passengers seat. "where are we going?" i asked as i sat up. "to kill that prick who kidnapped you." rick replied. "oh.." i mumbled as i looked out into the infinite vacuum of space. we landed at bradleys. i shot rick a questionable look as he got out. i walked beside morty. "he wanted to get a drink first." "i guess.." i mumbled. after a few drinks, we went out back. rick pulled his portal gun out and sighed. 

"since you'll be the only you, just.. act casual i guess." i nodded as rick spoke. "you'll see some.. rorys." "what?" i looked at morty and he was rubbing his temples. "yeah. a lot of ricks gain companionship from them." i raised an eyebrow, "so ricks and rorys are like.. together?" he nodded, "yeah." i furrowed my brows. "and why aren't you with rory?" "bp beat him to it." morty spoke up. i looked at rick, "seriously?" he groaned, "not completely. i met her first, didn't feel it so i introduced her to bp." i grabbed the portal gun and shot it. 

"okay whatever rick." i shoved it back into ricks chest and walked through. i was in the center of the new citadel, my rick and morty standing beside me. "come on, we gotta hurry. i nodded and rick grabbed my hand. he dragged me through the hundreds of ricks and mortys. thats when i began to notice the rorys around. i was a bit distraught at how happy they seemed. if it weren't for me would my rick have been with my rory? we walked through so many couples i began to ignore it. i squeezed ricks hand and he looked back at me.

i gave a soft smile and he smirked, pulling us behind a building. "he's up there, top floor." rick said. i nodded, "what now?" "well you play a key role in this." he said as he shot a portal. he walked through and i looked at morty, "what's he talking about?" morty shrugged, "he has a plan. i'm security." he rolled his eyes as rick came back holding a black dress, the same dress from the other day. "you need to change into this and convince him you got lost. you'll go in and find a rick to take you to him. they know he's looking for you." i took the dress. 

"so i convince him i got lost?" he nodded, "distract him for a while so we can get up there." "why can't you portal there and just murder him?" "you need to get him alone." my eyes widened, "i- okay.." he nodded and they turned around. i quickly changed into the dress. "i'm ready." they turned back around and mortys face was red. i smirked, "okay now go in the front. we'll do the rest." "okay.." i mumbled as i walked around to the front. i walked inside and up to the desk.

"hi.. i'm looking for president morty?" the rick looked up at me, "name?" "uh y/n.." his eyes went wide and he stood up. "come with me." i nodded and followed him to an elevator. he hit the button for the top floor. i took a deep breath and waited a few seconds as we went up. when the elevator dinged, it opened to a room with a long table. morty was standing at the window. "president morty, i have a surprise for you." the rick spoke as we walked forward. "hi morty.." i said as he turned around. 

he smirked and walked towards me, placing his glass down on the table. "you may go." he spoke, the rick left. we were alone. perfect. "i'm so sorry. i went to find the bathroom and when i was done i got lost in the crowd. i kinda just wandered around until i found this place and then boom." he nodded and i sat on the table. "you're a smart girl, you know that?" my face reddened, "y-yeah?" he stepped over to the table with glasses. "want anything?" "got any tequila?" he laughed, "yes." he poured two glasses and walked towards me.

he handed me a glass and i smiled, we clinked them together and i took a sip. the elevator dinged and morty raised an eyebrow. i looked over as rick and morty walked through. blood was staining their clothes and ricks face showed nothing but determination. "c-137, perfect." i stared at rick and then looked at morty, he looked terrified. "evil morty." rick spoke in a low tone. i hopped off the table and evil morty grabbed me, he held a gun to my head. my eyes went wide and i grabbed his arm.

"morty don't.. please.." he pressed the gun to my temple and i whimpered. "why? you came here to kill me." "stop stalling." rick spoke. "let her go and your death can be quick and painless. kill her and it'll be slow." "rick?" morty questioned, he was clearly distraught. i stomped on evil mortys foot and grabbed the gun. he fell back on his ass and i stepped on his chest. he let out a groan and i tossed the gun to the side. "you are one crazy bitch y/n." rick laughed. i shook my head and pressed harder on mortys chest. 

"you don't get to hold a gun to my head and act like nothing happened. nobody does." morty smirked and grabbed my arm, pulling me down. he pulled a knife out and stabbed my arm. i screamed and tore it from his hand, plunging it into his chest. i stood up and held my arm, "god you're such a little prick sometimes. rick kill him." i stepped back and rick shot him. i let go of my arm and the blood trailed down. "i'm gonna pass out in a second. fix- fix my arm." morty ran up to me as i collapsed, my vision filling with black.

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