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y/n pov

i woke up in a cold room, my vision was blurred and i heard talking around me. i blinked slowly, holding my eyes tightly together as the headache set in. it was ricks voice, several of them. i opened my eyes and looked up to several ricks sitting together in a line. i looked down at myself, noticing i was in the suit rick made for me. how? i looked around and noticed a rick on each side of me. i was on my knees and my arms were tied behind my back. i looked up to the ricks with anger written all over my face.

"ah, shes awake." one of them spoke. the one seated in the center stood, he began walking around to where i was as he spoke, "y/n c-137. do i even need the number? she's the only one." a few laughs were heard and my eyes widened. "y/n darling, do you know whats happening?" he was now in front of me, looking down at me. i didn't respond. "what's the matter? cat got your tongue?" i tried to stand and the rick to my left forced me down, "do not fucking touch me." i yelled at him. "she speaks. let her stand." they grabbed me by my arms and stood me. rick still towered over me but he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"feisty isn't she?" a few ricks agreed. "tell me what you know about rick c-137 darling." "my name is y/n" "oh yes i know, i have heard all about you and your antics." i furrowed my brows and they all laughed. "fuck you." "watch your tone with me." "eat it old man." he rolled his eyes, "take her away. bring her back when she's less of a bitch." "fuck you, fuck all of you!" i screamed as i was being dragged out. they brought me down a long corridor of rooms that were probably cells. i looked up at the door we stopped at as one of the ricks used a key to unlock it. 

they threw me in and i landed on the ground. the one with the keys came in with me as the other closed the large metal door. i backed up against the wall and he walked closer. he grabbed my arm and stood me up, then pushed me front first against the wall. "let go of me! i will fucking end you!" "shut up and let me unlock your fucking cuffs you dipshit." i breathed heavily as i heard the click. as i turned, i swung my leg and he fell to the ground. i grabbed my rooms key off of the hook and pretended to fall with him.

i looked over as he stood. the key was now in the belt of my pants. he rolled his eyes as i pretended to struggle to sit up. "serves you right." he mumbled as he walked out. the door locked with a click and i immediately stood up. the only light was a shitty yellow one in the center of the ceiling. i looked at my surroundings, a twin sized mattress was pressed against the wall. one white pillow, one grey blanket. a black dress was sitting on it along with a pair of heels. a small note card was on top, 'change into this.' i rolled my eyes and tossed the card on the floor. "fuck all of you."

i changed into the strappy dress and heels. i folded the suit and sat it on my bed, hiding the key in my bra. i ran my fingers through my hair and then heard the door click. i noticed a clock above the door. it was seven oclock. i watched as a rick walked in wearing a suit, "come with me." he held a gun looking device in one hand and held out the other. he gave a sympathetic smile and i hesitantly took his hand. we walked down the hall with two other ricks, also armed. after the four minute walk, i was brought into a room with a large table.

each of the ricks from earlier were sat, the main one from the center at one end of the table. an empty spot at the other end was waiting for me. i sat down and read the note card with my name and number on it that was on the plate. i looked up at the ricks who were staring at me. "welcome to the citadel of ricks. i am rick a-62." the one at the other end of the table spoke. "we don't plan on harming you unless we have to, we just have some questions and what not." "i don't owe you assholes anything. let me go home." they laughed, fuckers. "now now settle down. just answer some question s and i-"

"go to hell." one rick snapped his fingers and there was food placed in front of everyone. it looked amazing. everyone besides rick a-62 began eating. he simply crossed his hands and leaned his elbows on the table. "he has really made something out of you hasn't he?" i gave a disgusted look and rolled my eyes. "just wait until he finds me, he's going to kick all of your asses." they laughed again, it started to bug me down to the core. rick a-62 raised half of his brow, "is that so?" i nodded and he continued, "sweetheart he has no idea where you are. he believes aliens took you." 

"whatever asshole, fuck you and your dinner." "tell me, when did you meet him?" i raised a hand and flipped him off, "you're very heartwarming. let us make a deal hm?" i tilted my head. "ah you're interested once it benefits you. he taught you well." "get on with it loser." i was getting impatient, rick should be here by now. "tell us what you know about him and i will tell you where your parents are."

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