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rick a-62 pov

i opened my eyes and my vision was blurred. last thing i remembered was turning around and the feeling of falling. i tried to stand and realized my hands were tied. i struggled for at least a minute before standing up and brushing myself off. i looked around and reached for my phone. it was gone, everything was gone, including her. i ran to the door and started banging on it. after ten minutes, several ricks were approaching. "keep it down y/n, other guests are sleeping." u-85 said. "it's a-62 you ass. let me out now." the door opened and they stepped inside.

"she's gone. that goddamn bitch is gone!" "what?" one of them asked. "how? where did she go?" i rubbed my nose, "if i knew do you think i would be standing here?" "sir you're bleeding pretty badly, we should find y-985." "track the ring, now." one nodded and i followed another to the medical wing. i sat down and another rick inspected my head, his morty serving as an intern. the morty ran around and gathered the supplies to stitch my cut.

rick e-74 walked in with a notepad. "tell me everything, from the beginning." i sighed, "she wanted clothes. i brought them, grey sweatpants and a blue shirt. i handed them to her and she asked for tea. a morty came in with a tray, a teapot was on it. she took the tray and i turned to leave. she called my name and i waited for her to speak. as i turned around, the bitch hit me with the teapot and i passed out. when i woke up i was tied to the bed with her pink robe string shit and she was gone. her and my guns, notes, and portal gun." 

the rick stitching my face paused, along with everyone else in the room. "she has a portal gun? she could be anywhere." "not anywhere. she's at the federation. the prison to be exact. notify them of her presence and have a detailed description given. she will be found." "yes sir." the rick questioning me replied. he finished his notes and quickly walked out. the rick finished my stitches and i walked back to the council.

the group watched intently as i sat down. i looked at them, "was the federation notified?" they nodded, "yes sir. a detailed description was also given. she won't get far." i nodded. "shall we go over the footage from her mind?" i nodded again. the screen on the wall showed us what she knew. she was surrounded by white. "is that the simulation he was using to train her?" "yes." the ricks surrounding me spoke quietly. she spoke to him with such a gentle tone. she began to back up and tripped. when her eyes opened, she was surrounded by pink.

the details were so clear. she remembered everything perfectly. "this is when he first took her off planet earth. the first exploration she attended. why there though?" i spoke. some shrugged, some continued watching. she stumbled through the trees and grass below her. as her memory ran out, i realized she wasn't there for long as she only knew one small area. "this was where she was burned. she mentioned it and it was in my notes. the bitch took those." i growled.

we watched the clip over and over, piecing together the small bits of information we managed to steal. everyone took notes, everything could come to use later. nothing proved to be out of the ordinary. she was confused and it showed. after the eleventh showing, it stopped playing. "we need to gather information on that planet. we also need to figure out why he took her there. what is he planning." "all good questions sir." just then, there was a phone call. i answered and placed it on speaker. "rick a-62 here, anything on the girl?"

"no sir. we've searched everywhere but she seems to not be here. are you sure she's-" "yes i am sure she is there. look again. she could be anywhere. she doesn't know how to use the portal gun beyond shooting. her skills are average from what we've gathered and she's alone. find her. now." "yes sir of course." the alien spoke. i ended the call and turned back to the council. "she doesn't know how to use the portal gun, correct?" they spoke quietly. "find rick c-137 as well as his morty. before they find her." they nodded and scrambled out of the room.

i sat at the chair in the center of the table. i rubbed my temples and sighed. "damnit!" i yelled as i pushed the papers off the desk. "struggling to find her?" a rick asked. i looked up and squinted. "c-137, just on time." i stood and he pulled a gun on me. i reached for my own. y/n took it. i breathed out and glared at the rick and his clearly nervous morty. "where is she?" morty asked. i shrugged. "the federation." i smirked. "how the hell did she get there?" rick asked. i walked towards him and he fired right beside my head.

"now now, she's alive. we think. she's a smart one. she stole my portal gun and everything else i had." "she what?" the morty asked, i laughed. "you've trained her well. too bad you'll be dead and won't see her live up to her full potential." "r-rick what's he talking about?" the morty asked. "oh he doesn't know?" the rick rolled his eyes, i laughed even harder. "that's quite sad. morty your precious y/n was breed to be a killing machine. we set her parents up without their knowledge. we found the perfect set of genetics for her."

"stop talking." rick said. "or what?" i asked. he looked at his morty and sighed, "he's lying, it's what we do. don't believe a word he says." "ah yes manipulate the child. you're quite good from what i've seen. her memory played on the screen and morty watched. ricks eyes stayed glued to me. "you son of a bitch!" morty yelled. he screamed and aimed at me. without another thought he shot me in the leg, i fell screaming. "you little shit!" rick stood above me, then everything was gone.

what a waste - rick sanchez x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя