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y/n pov

"what?" he smirked, "you heard me. it's an exchange of a sort, information for well.. information. do we have a deal y/n?" i sat for a second, dazed. could he really know? how would he of all people know. he could be lying. "i want to go home. are you going to keep me locked up here or let me go home?" all of the ricks looked at a-62. he coughed, "you will be taken home." "promise?" he nodded. "after dinner you will be escorted to a nicer room. clothes will be given to you and you will be treated nicely."

i nodded to what he was saying, "you will also be given a private bathroom along with other amenities, sound alright with you darling?" i shuttered at the nickname. "sounds delightful." he smirked, "good, we will talk tomorrow." i looked down at the food in front of me and back up, "i'm not hungry." "very well, bring her." a hand was placed on my shoulder and i shoved it off, "i got it." i stood up and walked with a rick down new halls. i was brought to a new room and he opened the door. so much for the key.

i walked in and saw a nicer, larger bed against a wall. the walls were a subtle tan shade and there was a barred window behind the bed. i turned to the door and watched the rick lock the door through the small window. with a sigh, i turned to see the bathroom door. it was the same shade of grey as the other door. i walked towards it and turned the knob. i walked into the white room. a robe was hanging on a hook and clothes were on a counter. soaps and other items were placed neatly along the edge. i walked towards them and looked into the large mirror.

my hair was gently falling over my shoulders. i leaned forward and saw the redness in my eyes. it looked as if i had been crying for days on end. i sighed and rubbed them. i turned to the shower and turned the hot water on. i let the dress fall off of my shoulders and pool around my ankles. i stepped out of the shoes along with the dress and got in. the water burned my body. the water fell directly on me, tears fell down my cheeks as they mixed with the water. i sat down and pulled my knees to my chest, continuing to sob. 

after my much needed cry, i washed my hair and body with the provided soaps. afterwards, i got out. i reached for the towel and dried myself, then slid the robe on. i grabbed the lotion, noticing i was now shaking. i let out a breath and looked in the mirror. my hair was behind me and dripping. i applied the lotion and brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair and braided it, letting it flow over my shoulder.

i grabbed the black set of pajamas and walked back into the room. i threw my old clothes into a hamper beside the bathroom door and sat on the bed. the room had some decor, a deep brown dresser alongside a small white table with a box on it. i took the robe off and changed into the pajamas, i then hung the robe up in the bathroom. i walked into the room and opened the box, a small silver ring was inside, it looked like a wedding band. i placed it on the middle finger of my left hand. i noticed the now chipping polish i had applied earlier in the week.

"god i am a fucking disaster. i was seriously kidnapped by a bunch of ricks, now i'm talking to myself. i have absolutely gone mad." i plopped down on the bed and laid on my side. there was a light shining through the window, i stood on the bed and peered through it. nothing was out there. i was in an empty vacuum of space. my hands started shaking and my breathing was becoming unsteady. i laid on my back, grabbing the blanket and covering my entire body.

i closed my eyes, hoping to open them and be beside morty in his. morty. god how i wish he was here to piss me off. millions of thoughts raced through my head. would i ever see him again? i pushed the unhappy thoughts away and remembered the good ones. distracting myself seemed to help as i became sleepier. i calmed myself down in a matter of minutes. with most of the negativity gone, i let out one last shakey breath before falling asleep.

i looked around, there were no lights. the room was dark, like there was nothing and nobody. then the lights were on. i was in ricks simulation room. the suit around me was tighter than usual. i looked around and there was rick, my rick. he had that same devilish grin he always seemed to hold. "rick? where am i?" he shrugged, "you tell me." my eyes watered. "im so scared.. i have no idea whats happening to me. have i lost it?" "lost what?"

i backed up into a seemingly never ending pool of white. i shook my head and tripped over the clunky boots stuck on my feet. i blinked and i was on the pink planet. i stood up and looked around. the grass was just as soft as i had remembered. i touched it and smiled, the first adventure rick had taken me on. i looked around again before standing. i walked through the wooded area until i felt lost, continuing i found myself in the white again. "what the fuck is happening to me?" i felt a hand on my shoulder and turned. 

my eyes shot open. i looked around and placed my violently shaking hands on my face. my breathing was rough and there was some sort of metal helmet on me. a strap was around my waist and the suit felt like it was glued to me. i looked around and noticed i was in a very well set up lab. a rick stood in front of me, he wore glasses. "hello y/n, i am rick g-859 and i have been assigned to your case. do you have nightmares often?" my eyes were wide and i was full of questions. i shook my head and he wrote something on the clipboard he held.

"c-can you take this off of me?" he looked up at me, "oh of course sorry." he removed the helmet and unstrapped me. he held a hand out and i stood up, my legs shaking under me. he led me to a chair and i sat, he sat across from me. "please state your name and age." i parted my chapped lips and blinked rapidly before looking up at him, "y-y/n y/ln. 17 years old." he nodded and smiled, "good. now do you know why you're here?" i shook my head. he nodded again, "to give information right?" i closed my eyes and opened them, nodding.

"good good. are you having any dizziness or confusion?" "a lot of confusion. dizzy? not so much but im shaking pretty badly." he nodded, "any previous medical history?" "i had my tonsils removed when i was five.. i also got in an accident a few weeks ago and i was severely burned." "where? i hadn't noticed any scarring when we changed you into the suit." "my arm and leg.. my rick he- he was able to prevent scarring." he nodded, "do you know how?" i shook my head. "not a clue. what was that machine?" he stood and motioned for me to follow him.

i did so, he then pointed to a screen, "this machine is used to monitor dreams. i was sent an alert that you were having a nightmare so we decided to track it to the root. it seems you have  anxiety and a developing depression as well as preexisting anger issues. have you ever acted out violently?" i shrugged, "not more than a normal 17 year old girl." i let out a small laugh and rubbed my head, "is it normal for my head to hurt this badly?" he nodded, "you've been through a lot in the past few days. would you like to continue here or go back to resting?" "r-resting p-please. when will we talk again?" he shrugged, "just ask for me." with a smile, he pressed a few buttons on his clipboards mechanical side.

a few ricks came in and i looked to them. "come with us to your room." i nodded and waved to the rick with glasses as i followed the two to my room. they walked in with me and i turned to them. "do i have any other clothes?" they looked at each other and one made a phone call. "they're sending someone with clothes now. sit tight." i nodded as they left. i sat on the bed as rick a-62 walked in. he held a pair of clothes. something seemingly comfortable. "as you've requested." he held them out to me and i reached for them.

"no more scaring us with those nightmares. alright?" i shrugged, "i can't make any promises." he smirked, "you really do seem like c-137 taught you well. g-859 said you were showing signs of anxiety and depression as well as some rage fits. need anything?" "tea?" he nodded and with a snap a morty ran in with a tray that held a few items. "pick your poison." i glared at the rick and took the tray, "thanks morty-" "f-94." i smiled, "thank you morty." he nodded and quickly left. "rick?" he hummed in response. he was turned with his back facing me. i grabbed the metal tin containing hot water and poured it into the cup.

"are you going to speak or-" he began to turn around as i bashed the teapot into his head, he fell to the ground instantly. i smirked and searched him for what he had. two guns, a few viles of random liquids, a flask, some notes he'd taken about my behavior, as well as a fully charged portal gun. i smirked and stood up. i ran to the bathroom and grabbed the string from my robe. i dragged his unconscious body towards my bed. i tied him to the metal post and spat in his face. "fuck you, fuck your council, and fuck your citadel you piece of shit." i hooked the guns onto my belt and threw the ring at him. 

i pulled the trigger on the portal gun and stared at the green blob before me. i let out a single breath, "please don't be somewhere scary.." i mumbled. i walked forward and sighed. "please work." with those words, i stepped through.

what a waste - rick sanchez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now