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y/n pov

i was alone in a hallway. it looked more like a prison than the citadel did. i began down the hall, portal gun in my left hand and another gun in my right. i walked towards a large door and crept in. a control panel and four aliens were watching screens above it. monitors, each room with a different prisoner. i froze in my tracks as the phone rang. "a girl?" one spoke. "thank you for informing us." they hung up and before they could do anything i shot each of them in what i assumed were their heads. i ran up to the panel and saw a large red button.

"rick would absolutely tell me not to press this. but rick isn't here and i just got kidnapped and i'm going insane talking to myself sooo.." i pressed it. red lights began flashing as every door opened. i looked up at the screens, each prisoner having a different reaction. "oh shit." i mumbled. i looked at the portal gun and began fiddling with the spot that adjusted the place. i typed in some random coordinates and shot it. with a single breath, i stepped through.

i was on a floating rock. there was a bar to my left. i had no idea what i was doing so i walked inside. there were people, aliens, creatures i could have never dreamed of everywhere. some drinking, some dancing, some being weird. i sat down at a small table in the back and fiddled with my hands. i was at a loss of moves. i had no clue what to do next. just then, someone came up to me. she was probably 5'5, curly deep brown hair. her skin was a dark shade of brown and she had blue eyes that could pierce your soul. "hey." she spoke smoothly.

"uh hi." i smiled at her. she sat down. "i'm aurora, you can call me rory." she smiled. "y/n." i held a hand out and she shook it. "where you from y/n?" "earth. you?" she nodded, "jupiter. neighbors i guess huh." we shared a small laugh. her presence was comforting. "what brought you to bradleys?" she asked and i shrugged, "running from my problems. you?" she shrugged, "everyone on my planet is a total dick. so these kind of bars are fun. you drink?" i nodded, "technically i shouldn't but yes." she smiled, "anything in particular?" "tequila." she nodded and held a finger up before rushing to the bar.

she brought back two drinks and handed me one. "to newfound friendships." i smiled and we clinked our glasses. "to newfound friendships." i said before taking a sip. for hours we talked about her adventures in space and my own experiences. after some time, she invited me to her home. i agreed figuring it would be better than sleeping in the dumpster behind the bar. we went outside and got in her ship, she then took us home. 

we walked through the apartment complex before returning to her room. we walked inside and i admired the set up. a red couch against the right wall and a television hanging along the left with several photos hanging on the wall. "you have a beautiful home." i said as i sat on the couch, kicking my shoes off. "thanks, it's pretty lonely though. everyone here, as i said, is a dick." i laughed at her slurred words. "you can crash here if you want, since you're hiding out from 'problems.'" i smirked at her air quotes.

"want to know the real reason im hiding?" she nodded and sat beside me, handing me a beer. i sighed, "it started a few weeks ago." she nodded as i began to tell the story. it only took about forty-five minutes to get through and by the end she was amazed. "so wait wait.. the citadel? thats where you escaped from? it's like the hardest place ever to get out of! i had a friend, her name was jen. she was a galactic spy and they captured her seven years ago. never heard from her again." "wow.. they were scary though. i mean it was like an infinite amount of faces. but it was just the same face!" we shared yet another drunken laugh.

"i am so glad i met you y/n." i leaned my head on her shoulder. "i'm glad i met you too rory. you know what?" she hummed in response as i stood up. "lets fucking destroy the citadel." "what? are you insane? i just said it's impossible to escape. even if we get in we wont ever get out. i still barely know how you did!" i smirked and held up the portal gun, the green making her eyes shine. "i know exactly how we do it." she raised an eyebrow. "tomorrow we can make a plan. tonight, were getting stupid drunk." i giggled and we both finished our beers. 

after several hours of drinking and talking about random shit, we were both lying on the kitchen floor eating chips. "these chips are so good. i mean sooooo good." "right? better than sex." i laughed and looked at her, "i wouldn't know. your new best friend is a total virgin." her eyes widened before she began violently laughing at me. "no wayyy!" my face reddened and i laid back. "oh shushhh." she kept laughing, "with a body like that? no fucking way!" i laughed, "okay rory, that's enough drinking for you."

we stood up and shakily walked to the couch. she put on a random show and i leaned on her shoulder. as she fell asleep, i smiled and yawned, "goodnight rory." and with that, i found myself falling to sleep on my new friend.

what a waste - rick sanchez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now