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y/n pov

rule one: learn their weakness.

my eyes darted around the room. it was dark and my eyesight had just adjusted. the lights quickly turned on and i looked around as i stood up. had i passed out? i looked down at myself and i was in a skintight suit. all black, my hands were the only skin showing besides my face. the suit went down into the black combat boots i was in and came up to the top of my neck. my hair was in a ponytail. i was alone. the room was square, all white. suddenly, bp walked through a portal, rick following. 

rule two: never hesitate.

rick smirked at me, my face reddened quickly. he made me nervous. he must know by now. bp walked to the wall and leaned against it, rick walked towards me. "you ready darlin'?" i batted my eyes at him. he raised half of his brow and i looked to bp. i cracked my knuckles. "are you ready?" he laughed, "don't get cocky on me sweets. you're in for quite the treat." "as are you." he nodded and stepped back. "bring it." i said confidently.

rule three: never back down.

i ran at him, every thought in my mind fading. i threw punches, many he blocked. a few hit him, but he hit back even harder. none hurt, too bad. i knew i couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he was winning. after a few more moves, he pinned me against the wall, arms by my sides and each of his hands beside my head. "that was easy." he said calmly. i moved my face closer to his, our noses almost touching. "so am i." i whispered, just then i used a leg to force his to give out. he dropped to the floor and i put a boot on his chest, holding him down. he groaned and i smirked. 

rule four: make sure the opponent is down before walking away.

"say it." i said, pressing harder. he groaned again, "pineapple." the walls quickly faded and we were in ricks garage again. i stepped off of him and smirked. "what was so easy?" i asked as he stood up, brushing his blue shirt off. "not bad.. could use some work but not bad." i smiled happily and morty walked in. i was now sitting on the work bench and rick was at his chair. "oh hey morty!" i exclaimed, kicking my legs. "y/n? h..hey.. hi!" he nervously squeaked. he walked in and closed the door. "whacha doin?"

rule five: do not walk away empty handed.

i shrugged "learning to fight. don't i look totally badass!" i hopped off the table and did a spin. morty had a deep red face and did a slow nod. summer came in shortly after. "y/n you look hot- grandpa can you take me to pick up tammy?" rick groaned and we all piled into the ufo. summer, morty and i were in the back. "where the hell is she even going to sit?" "y/n can.. can sit on m..my lap." morty said. "gross." rick mumbled. i snickered and shrugged. "whatever works." we got tammy and i got onto morty's lap.

as uncomfortable as everyone else made it, i was fine. morty was still my best friend. tammy and summer talked the entire two minute flight back. when we did get back, tammy had sparked an interest in bp, leaving summer pissed. i was too busy being interested in what rick was tinkering with to care. i watched his every movement, each with such care and precision. i was genuinely interested. he looked up at me and my eyes were wide. "everyone out." he spoke loud and clear. i bit the inside of my cheek and began to follow the group.

"not you idiot." i turned and he motioned for me to come over. everyone left he and i alone. i walked over to him. "what's up?" he patted the work bench and i sat down. he grabbed my hand and i felt the same spark. i looked up at him as he flipped my hand over. "the suit looks good on you." he said it low, it was almost a whisper. his eyes traveled from my hand to my eyes. "wh..what?" he rolled his eyes, "you heard me." i nodded and he let go, sitting back down.

he began working again and i continued to watch. every carefully calculated movement excited me. it was like a game, what would he do next? "you have a good basic skill set when it comes to basic combat. can you aim?" he looked up at me and i shrugged. "i've never shot a gun." he nodded and got up. he walked to the shelf and grabbed something, then he came up to me and dragged me to the corner of the garage. he stood behind me and lifted my hand to the gun. his body was pressed against my own, sending a wave of butterflies through me. i didn't believe i had developed a crush until now.

his hands were on mine as he showed me what to do. i aimed for the can on the washing machine and shot. i hit it, dead center the first shot. my face lit up with excitement. there were four more, i hit each first try. when i was done i turned around and smiled up at rick who was smirking down at me. "you're good. better than i was." i was full of nerves. without thinking, i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. our faces were inches apart. "thank you.." i whispered. i looked at his lips and then to his eyes.

he kissed me. he kissed me. i kissed back, the sweet sensation flowing through my body. it was like pure ecstasy and i never wanted it to end. when it did, my eyes rapidly blinked. i had nothing to say. i let go of him and we looked at each other in silence. "i.." i couldn't even get a sentence out. he walked past me and to his desk. he patted the work bench and i once again sat down. for the continuing hours, i watched him work. neither of us speaking a word.

what a waste - rick sanchez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now