"Or shred up your stomach," Peter added thoughtfully, however the comment he found amusing to make wasn't as funny to the others. He was thrown a glare from both of the boys and a confused look from the girl.

"What?" Genevieve asked, blinking the sleep from her puzzled eyes.

"Bad timing, Worms. Give her chance to wake up at least," Sirius murmured to the boy quietly

"Nothing, Gen," Peter said with an assuring smile, taking Sirius's comment into mind.

"Alright," Genevieve replied, still feeling slightly woozy and drained of all life. Despite the ache in her arm, she raised it to head to wipe away the long, untamed hair that had stuck to her face. She noted to get a haircut as she didn't trust herself enough to use magic on her own hair. "What time is it?" she groaned.

"It's 10 in the morning," Sirius supplied.

"Right," Genevieve nodded, settling herself down. After a second, her eyes went wide as she gaped round at them. "Why aren't you in classes?" she commanded to know.

While Madam Pomfrey had said that her memory might be a little muddled due to both shock and the potions she had given the girl, none of the boys expected Genevieve to this far out of it. They all looked at her with both sympathy and sadness as she looked so completely lost to the situation.

"Dumbledore excused us from lessons today," James started nerously, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, "He uh- Well he found out about everything that happened last night with-"

"Remus!" Genevieve finished with a gasp, rocketing upwards in her bed. She instantly regretted doing such a thing. She hissed through gritted teeth as a her abdomen felt like it had just been stabbed repeatedly with a dagger, sending a harsh pain rocketing through her body.

"Careful!" Sirius urged, jumping from his chair to prop up her pillow and help lower her back down onto it. "You'll damage your wounds and then Poppy will be after you."

That was when the events of the previous night came back to her. Sirius's revelation. Snape's appearance and tiny spat with her, and the main event of a werewolf attacking her before she passed out. With a heart that threatened to beat out of her chest, Genevieve tugged the quilt covers down to sit around her hips. Slowly, she lifted the KISS shirt that Sirius had been wearing that night and glanced down at her stomach.

From underneath her armpits all the way down to her belly button, a bandage had been wrapped around her stomach and breasts multiple times to conceal away the wounds she had gained from the previous night. "Shredded," Genevieve repeated, glancing up at Peter. "You said my stomach was shredded."

With red cheeks, Peter gulped down a lump forming in his throat. "W-well it's not exactly shredded... it's just very, very torn- Hey, stop doing that!"

With nimble fingers, Genevieve began to unwrap her bandages. "But I want to see," she protested.

Sirius brought her cold hands into his warm ones and shook his head. "Trust me, Genny. You don't," he said, trying not to grimace as he thought about the large gashes that had ripped themselves along her stomach. "Not until they've healed a bit, anyway." As lightly as he could, he began to wrap them back up again for her.

"Is it really that bad?" Genevieve asked, wincing as he tugged a little too hard at the bandage.

"Poppy had to redo your bandages a good four times because they became that soaked with blood, put it that way," Peter answered, terror dancing behind his eyes as he remembered the endless pool of dark red that continued to surround the girl and the metallic smell thst lingered in the air. "Poppy gave you all types of potions and put all types of serums and balms on you, but because it's a werewolf-inflicted injury it takes a lot longer to heal."

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