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✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

Lily Evans had arrived at the Potter Mansion via the front door rather than the fireplace. With a kind smile, and her hair placed in perfect ginger curls, she had instantly charmed Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. They were delighted to finally meet the girl James had bragged on and on about, and they made sure to tell her this.

"You're just as beautiful as James described!" Euphemia said to Lily while folding the washing by hand. Unlike most witches, the woman preferred to not use her magic for simple things. If muggles could do it, so could she. "He wasn't exaggerating, not in the slightest."

Euphemia had managed to steal Lily and Genevieve away from the boys to chat to them. She had to suffer their complaints, especially James's, but she ended up winning in the end.

"He talks about me to you?" Lily asked, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Of course he does, my dear!" The woman laughed, a hearty sound that lit up her whole face. "You're all he ever talks about. And who can blame him? You're a darling."

Lily's cheeks turned pink, and although she tried hiding her blush behind her hair, it stood out defiantly against her porcelain skin. "What does he um— what does he say about me?" She tried her hardest not to sound too interested.

"That you're extremely smart, a beautiful girl, a kind-hearted person. He's said so much more, but we would be here all day."

Genevieve had been listening intently to the two women converse, a smile playing at her face. It was like they were mother-and- daughter-in-law already.

"My boy is head over heels for you," Euphemia said almost proudly, casting Lily a smile and wink.

"Oh, you don't know that."

Genevieve had to bit down on her bottom lip in order to resist a laugh. Lily should have known better, acting like she wasn't sure if James did or didn't like her. He had pestered her non-stop ever since first year to go on a date with him— Genevieve figured that was good enough confirmation.

"I do know that," Euphemia corrected, and placed down the bedding sheet she had been folding to look at both of the girls. "When a boy talks about a girl to his mother in such ways James talks about you, he's most definitely on his way to falling in love, and there's nothing that'll stop him. When a boy talks to his mother about a girl in any scenario, he definitely has taken a liking to her. Perhaps when, or if, you choose to have children of your own you'll understand that."

Genevieve thought about that for a moment. With her brows furrowed in thought, she wondered if any boy had ever spoken to their mother about her. She had never really spoken to Mary about boys or girls as she had never had a crush on either. Perhaps that was because she had always had a hidden crush on a certain boy and it felt like betraying him to take a liking to another, but she was still in denial of that.

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