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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"What do you think your patronus will be?" Sirius whispered out the corner of his mouth, trying not to gain the Defence Against the Dark Arts professors attention

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"What do you think your patronus will be?" Sirius whispered out the corner of his mouth, trying not to gain the Defence Against the Dark Arts professors attention.

"I'm not too sure, hopefully something cool," Genevieve whispered back to her partner.

"Casting a patronus charm does not come easy. Not many have performed the charm on their first go, so it's no failure if you are unsuccessful. You must channel your mind to your happiest thoughts, let it fill you so your mind is concentrated on nothing but that and then cast the charm as we rehearsed," Professor Olsman explained, his eyes flicking from one student to the next.

With a flick of his wand, all the desks that sat in rows folded together and pushed themselves to the sides of the room, leaving an empty space.

"Wands out," he instructed, presenting his own.

Sirius nudged her in the ribs and gave her an exaggerated wink."Wands out," he snickered.

"You're disgusting," Genevieve drawled, shaking her head.

"At least you don't have to share a room with him," James joined in quietly, sending his friend a look.

"I'll have you know it's an honour to share a room with someone as gorgeous as me-"

"Will you all please shut up," Remus hissed from behind the lot a little too loudly.

"May I ask why you're disrupting the lesson, Mr Lupin?" Professor Olsman asked, his voice coming out stern.

"Yeah, why are you disrupting the lesson, Moony?" Sirius challenged, grinning innocently.

"My apologies, Professor," Remus ducked his head to hide away from the embarrassment, but still managed to send a discreet glare towards Sirius.

"As I was saying, raise your wands and choose the happiest memory you can remember, then clearly speak out the incantation," The professor carried on, the students following his instructions.

Genevieve's mind wandered to the first time she had stepped into Hogwarts, and although it was a joyful moment, it was only enough to produce a small wisp of white.

"Not strong enough, Miss Lewis, think deeper," Olsman advised as he walked around the practicing students, "When was the last time you felt whole?"

Nose scrunched up in thought, she took her professors advice and raided through her mind in search of the perfect memory.

"Expecto Patranom," Gen spoke, thinking about the time when her family had camped out in the garden together despite Anna's complaining.

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